New Product Testobol


New member

I was at Musclemag today I pick up a new product today called Testobol. I was wondering if any Bros out there tried it and what you thought. Is it good stuff or not!
Another pro-hormone. I guess it depends on how you feel about them brother. Some guys like them, others(the ones who have used actual gear I'm suspecting) think they are crap. There is a product called 19-Norandrostack II made by Sci-Fit. Guys at my gym love it. It does have a shitload of product inside as far as pro-hormones go, I'll give it that. I've never tried it or them, so I can't render any opinion.

If you are interested in PH's, and want to give that one a whirl, it is at
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Someone who could give you first hand insight on PH is Nutriwrestler......haven,t seen em around for a while though.
The sides is what I don,t like about PHs from what I have read.
GYNO. Shouldn't a guy with his own website, where he brags about what an animal he is in the gym know this basic shit btw?

And if that's you in the picture on the main page, you're hardly a freak or a "zilla" even. Hate to break your bubble.
SkedMedz, it would be a good idea before you criticize someone to know a bit about them. You know nothing about me and my background. The only reason why you would be criticizing someone is because deep down you know you do not train as hard as me. Just because I have a webiste do not mean I know it all. In other words, put up or stut up!
garyzilla said:
SkedMedz, it would be a good idea before you criticize someone to know a bit about them. You know nothing about me and my background. The only reason why you would be criticizing someone is because deep down you know you do not train as hard as me. Just because I have a webiste do not mean I know it all. In other words, put up or stut up!

Ask supergirl, George Young, or biggie if you come anywhere close to where I am. And I don't even have a website either---well goooolllly! I just train. I don't post alot of shit trying to fool people into thinking I do. I saw your pic. You should've left it blank, or scanned a picture of a real lifter out of a magazine pal. It would've served you better in this arguement. At least if it were blank, I'd have had to make a mental picture as to what you look like. This way, I know you're all talk.

That being said, my point was that most guys with websites where they give lifting advice, know a few things about the supplement industry. In other words Betty, they don't open up a friggin' musclemag, see the first shit supplement that hits them, and say "duh, that looks good". They(guys that know---and aren't posing) know better. If you want to have a site dedicated to the worship of yourself, and what a hardass you are in the gym, then might I suggest you have the slightest bit of fucking knowledge to back it up. Either that, or stick an airhose up your ass every morning to pump you up for your next pic. Quite simply, your routine aint doin the job.

Again, you know nothing about me. I asked for advice, and all I got is some asshole ripping me a part. The pic on the site is of me, and I have no idea how you can tell really what I look like. You just might be a bigger than me, or know more. But do you know the real differance between you and me? When I look at myself in the mirror I know that I am not an asshole like you. You see I try to help people and not tear them down. Go head call me all the names in the book, tell me how much I do not know. But I am glad I am not an asshole like you! If you cannot not help a bro, then do us all a favor and do not post!
garyzilla said:
Again, you know nothing about me. I asked for advice, and all I got is some asshole ripping me a part. The pic on the site is of me, and I have no idea how you can tell really what I look like. You just might be a bigger than me, or know more. But do you know the real differance between you and me? When I look at myself in the mirror I know that I am not an asshole like you. You see I try to help people and not tear them down. Go head call me all the names in the book, tell me how much I do not know. But I am glad I am not an asshole like you! If you cannot not help a bro, then do us all a favor and do not post!

You're right. When I look in the mirror, I'm glad I'm not you too.:D:D
OK guys........enough already !!

This is not the convo forum.....and flaming is not tolertated here.

Any more..... and this thread gets locked down !!