New member
I'm on 550mg test a week, 400mg deca a week, and 40mg dbol a day. I'm two weeks in and i'm having side effects that i've never had before. I've got persistent cotton mouth or dry mouth and kind of a bitter taste in my mouth and insomnia. I didn't sleep a wink at all last night and i'm kind of in a daze today because of it. I felt really pumped up last night too that's probably why I couldn't fall asleep. It felt like somebody shot me up with a bicycle pump size syringe full of ephedrine, caffeine, adrenaline, cocaine, and testosterone. I don't know how in the hell some guys do 1000mg tren and doses like that because I felt like I was pretty pumped up. Do you think it could be the deca that is keeping me up at night or do you think it is dbol taken too close to bed time. Do you think I should lower my dose or do you think I will just adjust to it eventually? I honestly had a little bit of trouble falling asleep when I was taking just 200mg test and only 10mg a day dbol few years back maybe i'm just sensitive to it.