New to steroids!


New member
Hello, my name is Devon!
Here is some information about me,
Age: 22
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 195
BF: Don't know this exact number, but i know its nothing high. I was a varsity football/basketball player in highschool. Played WR / Shooting Gaurd

So I've beem trying to do as much research as possible latey, i have recently been hitting the gym a lot and i am looking to go to that next level of weight lifting! A lot of sites have said to cycle Test E and then use Torem as my post cycle therapy (pct). i am new to steroids so any information that can be given to me would be great!
So I've beem trying to do as much research as possible latey, i have recently been hitting the gym a lot and i am looking to go to that next level of weight lifting!

I may be wrong, but I get the feeling you are trying to just jump right in and get BIG like 'presto'. You need to do A LOT more research. Your natty test levels should still be very high. This will be a long learning process. My eat eat, hit the gym, I'm willing to bet you still have plenty of natty potential. Get a solid base, then go from there. AAS is not a race, and if not done knowledgeably, could cause some havoc. STUDY these sites, take your time, it will be worth it in the long run.
Hello, my name is Devon!
Here is some information about me,
Age: 22
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 195
BF: Don't know this exact number, but i know its nothing high. I was a varsity football/basketball player in highschool. Played WR / Shooting Gaurd

So I've beem trying to do as much research as possible latey, i have recently been hitting the gym a lot and i am looking to go to that next level of weight lifting! A lot of sites have said to cycle Test E and then use Torem as my post cycle therapy (pct). i am new to steroids so any information that can be given to me would be great!

what do you want to know? all the info you need is in the stickies.

welcome to ology!