new to the steroid life... advice and info needed


New member
I am new to this forum as well as to steroids. I've never really used the gym or steroids, the only exercise I have done is taekwondo. I turned 22 years old in January and I noticed that I gained over 20 pounds in one year.... ive never gained so much weight so fast. I now weight 172lbs and I am 5'11. Ive done taekwondo my whole life and my normal weight is always been 150-155 lbs, as soon as I stopped training and got married, I started gaining weight so ive decided to stsrt working out and going to the gym and stuff. I wanna get bigger and cut, my friend sold me a lil bottle of anavar 50 mg and I wanted to know if this stuff is legit and what's the best way to get the best out of it
You have zero experience with aas, zero experience with training and have no business going anywhere near this stuff until you have a few solid years of training behind you. Go check out the diet section, get yourself a good diet and a good routine, then come back here in a few years and we would be happy to help you. If your wife enjoys having sex with you, you may want to warn her now. Youz goin permalimp.

Wrong section btw.
How to bulk up with diet and exercises

I am new to this forum as well as to steroids. I've never really used the gym or steroids, the only exercise I have done is taekwondo. I turned 22 years old in January and I noticed that I gained over 20 pounds in one year.... ive never gained so much weight so fast. I now weight 172lbs and I am 5'11. Ive done taekwondo my whole life and my normal weight is always been 150-155 lbs, as soon as I stopped training and got married, I started gaining weight so ive decided to stArt working out and going to the gym and stuff. I wanna get bigger and cut, my friend sold me a lil bottle of anavar 30ml.
First I wanna know what to eat and when to eat it, like daily meals schedule on what to eat and when to eat, then the gym... a schedule of daily workouts that I should do in order to get the best out of my week to gain the muscle weight.

Also I wanted to know if it is smart to take the anavar this soon
Talk to 3j on here. Email him and he'll set you up with a diet plan to fit your goals. He's helped me tremendously in the past month. And no on the anavar. Hit the gym and stay in it a while. Youre only 22 so theres no rush on gear. Get a good lifting routine, stick with it, and most importantly get a solid diet. That is where you will get the most results. Stick around and learn a little or a lot. Oral only cycles are not recommended. Best of luck
I am new to this forum as well as to steroids. I've never really used the gym or steroids, the only exercise I have done is taekwondo. I turned 22 years old in January and I noticed that I gained over 20 pounds in one year.... ive never gained so much weight so fast. I now weight 172lbs and I am 5'11. Ive done taekwondo my whole life and my normal weight is always been 150-155 lbs, as soon as I stopped training and got married, I started gaining weight so ive decided to stsrt working out and going to the gym and stuff. I wanna get bigger and cut, my friend sold me a lil bottle of anavar 50 mg and I wanted to know if this stuff is legit and what's the best way to get the best out of it

I'm new to this life too... I'm about to run my first ph cycle and then planning on a cycle of test... but I've been training for a few years and got my diet in check. If you wanna get cut, cut your carbs and learn how to lift... affter a couple years take that bottle out of your cabinet and take it. Its not some crap you get from gnc.
I was told I need 5000 calories a day... does that sounds good or how could I find out? And when yu say 10%-15% to bulk you mean 15% more calories
Just to make sure... this is on a daily basis right
Since your new to weights bulk first, you cant get shredded if you don't have good muscle mass. People wont spoon feed you things on here. There is a lot of diet plans in the diet sections and lifting routines in the routine section. Neil Hills y3t training and diet plan works well for beginners and advanced lifters and I've seen good progress as well. Good Luck.
Since your new to weights bulk first, you cant get shredded if you don't have good muscle mass. People wont spoon feed you things on here. There is a lot of diet plans in the diet sections and lifting routines in the routine section. Neil Hills y3t training and diet plan works well for beginners and advanced lifters and I've seen good progress as well. Good Luck.
Great info checking out now thanks
Spending money on 3j is worth more than spending it on gear. Not only will he get your diet down, he will help with your workout routine. You do not need steroids right now, let alone a oral only cycle. If you have a vagina then oral only cycles are fine. Start by reading the stickies.
Spending money on 3j is worth more than spending it on gear. Not only will he get your diet down, he will help with your workout routine. You do not need steroids right now, let alone a oral only cycle. If you have a vagina then oral only cycles are fine. Start by reading the stickies.

Well put.