Newbie athlete with questions.


New member
Hi i'm 6'0 and i weigh 230, i play football. I'm a linebacker/fullback I've been working out for about 4 and a half years, I'm a solid bulky guy with not much definition. i want to get more defined cut muscles without much weight gain. i wanted to get some insight on what you guys think of me starting a 30 day cycle of Winstrol (winny) with diet and Cardio.
winnys garbage unless you are already toned..if you want to lose fat then do everything you mentioned - the winny
thank you, any advice i can get helps.

i Don't want you guys to get the impression that i am fat. the thing is that the football workouts and lifts that i do are not geared towards definition but towards mass and bulk, and now that i have the summer off i would like to define it out.
ok i was under the impression that you were like..a freshman in high school when you said you've only been lifting a year.. didnt realize you meant lifting more like a BBer..

But if you're dead set on anything..get some Test Enanthate and run it 10 weeks at 500mg a week and see how that goes. and make sure you have proper post cycle therapy (pct) on board..check ouut the post cycle therapy (pct) boards to learn how and what to use
No i havent been lifting for a year, ive been lifting for about four and a half years now.

Thank you tootie, i will look into that and the post cycle therapy (pct) boards
yeah no problem, but if you are careful my man. honestly, we don't preach repercussions because we wanna put you down..we're looking out for you
The Test E will make me blow up in weight right? i dont really want to add 30 pounds. I dont want to lose any speed or agility. because that is very important at my position
Depends on how you eat. I'm up 15 lbs on my Test prop at 700mg/week right now..5 weeks in. But im still lean and as agile as ever. If you eat like a cow you'll look and feel like one. If your diets legit and you condition well you should see amazing performance improvements
i'm not the most educated on the roids..but i know enough to help you out im can PM me. As long as it doesn't involve getting you any sauce.