Newbie: Before and after 4 months bulking

How tall are you? Just curious.

8 kgs (17.6 lbs.) in 3 months looks like great progress to me, especially considering your point of departure (134 lbs.) That's more than a 10% increase! :)

Good job!

All the best...

Richard Jasper
Ann Arbor, MI
congratulations on your gains mate. 8 kg in 4 months and you think your a hard gainer? Some guys don't even put that much on when they cycle.

ps.someone scribbled on your arm
Thanks for your comments. Is it correct to gain almost 2 kgs (4,4 lbs) per month or is it too much? Could I be gaining too much BF?
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2kg is a lot to gain in a month. but having said that, I can go up and down about 5kg a week depending on what I am eating and drinking.

keep doing what you are doing, you're making some good gains
Nice gains, what sort of food are you eating and how long do you spend in the gym?
I am eating red meat, eggs, rice, potatoes, lots of milk, tuna, vegetables and a weight gainer at morning, afternoon (after training) and night. I eat eggs before bed time.

I workout max 1 hour everyday, diferent muscle groups.
Monday: back, neck
Tuesday: Pecs, biceps, triceps, traps
Wednesday: Shoulders, neck
Thursday: Pecs, biceps, triceps, traps
Friday: back, neck
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: REST (and some forearms)

I want to concentrate on pecs. What do you recommend?
I'm doing flat bench press (?) (I'm not very used yet to the workout names in english...)
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Very impressive . If I could make the same progress I would be very happy.I took 2 years to gain 6 kg.Then I ran my first cycle Test c 400mg/week I went from 87kg to 95kg in 10 weeks. Proof that you can grow off relatively low amounts of gear.I live in South Africa every body here is terrified of Test, guys at the gym will rather take 40 mg/day Dbol than touch Test.Remember all steroids will shutdown your natural test production.The way I understand it 100mg/week will shut you down just as much as 400mg/week so just be carefull and do not go to low on your dosage.
Looks like good gains. I have a football background, and the best results I've ever made are squatting and benchpressing twice a week. I can deep squat 600lbs and bench 450lbs 6x each. Focus on your core and the smaller muscles will come together later! Give this a shot for three months and tell me if you don't grow!