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I'm about 30, just started lifting again after a year off, avg joe diet not much of a good training diet until this week. So... what had happen was...
I took some advice of a friend & started a npp & reg deca cycle, 100mg of each.... this would be my first also...
I started researching after my first week on, leading to my question...
I've decided to stop & wait another year or two while I hit the gym more consistently & train harder. What's the best way to go about stopping? Do I need any post cycle therapy (pct) since I'm only one week in? Help... thanks
Yea, hind sight is 20/20... It is what it is now, so I'm just looking for some damage control.
I have only a vague post cycle therapy (pct) in mind, nolvadex & so don't know how fast I can get it at the moment. No test, only 1 injection so far... I'm guessing that there isn't anything I can just run to gnc & pick up for this huh?
I'll def be reading & catching up on things here & appreciate everyone's help & words of wisdom.
I was hoping to hear that it wasn't too bad... Is there anything I can take to help keep my test levels up like tribiulous our something that may be found quick? Deca dick doesn't sound like anything my gf or I wanna have going on
I didn't get a chance to ask what all would be wrong with running deca & npp with out test? I'm pretty sure that's what he's on...