Newbie course correction help...

You might need it but I'm not 100% sure. Deca and npp will shut your system down very hard and fast. I hope you meant to say you were taking this along with test. If not stop immediately. You need to have test in a cycle to replace your natural test that is shut down when using 19 nors or any other AAS for that matter.

How many weeks have you been using this? Do not listen to your friend anymore because he has no idea what hes talking about and lead you into a very bad decision. If you don't mind being impotent then feel free to take his advice.

Pleas stay around and read the sticky threads at the top of this forum. They will help you a lot. And remember every cycle should have test as a base. Especially your first cycle should be TEST ONLY.

To answer your question it will delend on how long you have been using deca but if two weeks I would either stop and run a post cycle therapy (pct) or get some test and just run that but it sounds like you need to fix some things first and you made a good choice by coming here for help.
I'm about 30, just started lifting again after a year off, avg joe diet not much of a good training diet until this week. So... what had happen was...

I took some advice of a friend & started a npp & reg deca cycle, 100mg of each.... this would be my first also...

I started researching after my first week on, leading to my question...

I've decided to stop & wait another year or two while I hit the gym more consistently & train harder. What's the best way to go about stopping? Do I need any post cycle therapy (pct) since I'm only one week in? Help... thanks

100mg of each, how often? how much have you shot so far total?

how fast can you get ahold of the post cycle therapy (pct)?
Yea, hind sight is 20/20... It is what it is now, so I'm just looking for some damage control.

I have only a vague post cycle therapy (pct) in mind, nolvadex & so don't know how fast I can get it at the moment. No test, only 1 injection so far... I'm guessing that there isn't anything I can just run to gnc & pick up for this huh?

I'll def be reading & catching up on things here & appreciate everyone's help & words of wisdom.
Yea, hind sight is 20/20... It is what it is now, so I'm just looking for some damage control.

I have only a vague post cycle therapy (pct) in mind, nolvadex & so don't know how fast I can get it at the moment. No test, only 1 injection so far... I'm guessing that there isn't anything I can just run to gnc & pick up for this huh?

I'll def be reading & catching up on things here & appreciate everyone's help & words of wisdom.

so you just did 100mg of npp and 100mg of deca.... in one injection.... so far?
well luckily that isn't a whole lot. and the npp will be out of your system pretty fast, your blood levels won't have time to get anywhere very serious, the deca will be releasing slowly to the tune of like a few mg per day of actual hormone into your system.

i don't know a whole lot about this sort of thing, but i would think that given the half life of the esters used, any tough times you see are going to be more this week than after that.

given what i (think i) know about these compounds and the half life of the esters attached, i would assume you could still recover natty test production naturally relatively quickly an easily even if it shuts down fully this week from the npp, and it might not even have time to fully shut down.

if i were to guess, i'd say you're looking at a week of possibly some negative nandro-related sides, potentially some erectile dysfunction. i really do think that you can pick that up, but it will also depend on what your natty production levels of test were like before you injected.

personally, were it me, i would probably not mess with trying to get post cycle therapy (pct) and i would just pay close attention to my body and chalk this up as an experiment. that's me though.

again... i'm talking out of my ass here, so yeah.... ignore me at your own benefit.... mimic what i would do at your peril...
I was hoping to hear that it wasn't too bad... Is there anything I can take to help keep my test levels up like tribiulous our something that may be found quick? Deca dick doesn't sound like anything my gf or I wanna have going on
I was hoping to hear that it wasn't too bad... Is there anything I can take to help keep my test levels up like tribiulous our something that may be found quick? Deca dick doesn't sound like anything my gf or I wanna have going on

well i dunno, i mean the first few days you're going to be getting hit with more deca in your system. but not by much. i mean, really, thinking about it, you're going to be getting like 10-15 grams at most into your system in a given day. and that will start fading after the first 4-6 days.

like i said, if it were me, i wouldn't worry about post cycle therapy (pct). and i would just be ready to notice if any of the symptoms like deca dick came up, even slight cases. but i wouldn't stress it myself, as half this sheet seems mental anyway really.

those are my thoughts anyway. what i was saying about expecting the symptoms is just like if you're going to see them, expect to see them in the first week. i doubt your axis would shut entirely down so fast and i'm sure it would recover pretty fast even if it did. just "get sick" for a week if it happens so you can't knock boots.

though... if you think your dick ain't gonna work right... there's a decent chance that it won't. lol. so might grab some viagra anyway.
I didn't get a chance to ask what all would be wrong with running deca & npp with out test? I'm pretty sure that's what he's on...

I havent really read much of this thread....but if you run anything without exogenous test it will shut your body down completely...just a few things....depression, feel like shit, dick crawls inside of you and turns into a pussy and you pretty much fuck yourself until you recover if you recover, which brings up the possibility of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the rest of your life....

but Im not sure on any of that because I dont have personal experience running aas without test
So, test should be included in every cycle. Solo for the first cycle. Is there any milder steroid that can be run first without test?
I was a bit off on the dosage, after looking at the bottles. The deca is 300mg/ml & the npp was 100mg/ml. That means I took 300mg of deca & 100mg npp... that was a week ago. Does this change things much? I've been reading & reading, but at this point I have more questions than answers. So far I'm just SORE AS SHIT from working out, a persistent headache & sore joints. Dick stills works thankfully. I was just wondering if the bigger does would mean I should get on something like nolva fro a bit or hcg...
I can depend on the person but I'm not sure to be honest. Maybe some others will. If you can get some test you could just start running that.
Trying to, I'm looking for it now. I was gonna get set up with everything I need for a full cycle, but I'm not going back to the same dude.