Newbie needing information


New member
Hey guys,

Hope this is the right forum to post in...

Anyway, looking to try some Test 400 soon...blend is 120 enth, 120 cyp, and 160 dec. I plan on injecting twice per week...200mg each time for a total of 400mg weekly. This sound okay? I figure the cycle will run 8 weeks.

As far as a PCT, I'm still not sure. From what I've read the decanate tends to stick around a bit longer so I shouldn't start my PCT for about 3 weeks. For a SERM thinking about using LiquiNol and for and AI LiguiAro, both from ***********.

Sounds close or am I way off? Still in the process of educating myself here.

32 years old, had blood work done a few months ago and have low testosterone...330 (can't remember the unit).

Thanks guys and please forgive my ignorance on the subject.
Thanks for the input guys! Only reason I lean towards a trip test blend is because I can get ahold of it pretty easy but I understand what you all are saying. I will stretch the cycle to 12 weeks, didn't know how long was too long.

Any thoughts on my PCT plan?

Thanks again!
why dont you tell us a bit more about yourself

training history
Welcome !

Agreed w da Boss. That high concentration stuff gonna hit that virgin pin spot and it s gonna hurt, most probably.

U can cut it with oil s but as you need to answer many a q first...we ll see where your at and as you have come to a good place you ll not be steered down a path of self destruction---ergo---OLOGY.
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Training: have regularly weight trained since I was 16. Was also in the Army for 5 years. Have done everything for HIT, to the Maddow 5x5, supersets, p90x stuff, etc. Currently doing a simple chest/bis, back/tris, legs, shoulder split. Train 4 days per week. At my peek was about 200 but around 18% BF.

Was very sick a couple years back and struggling to bounce back. Also have low Testosterone but not low enough for the dr. To prescribe anything...level is around 330.

Not trying to get crazy massive just trying to put on some lean mass.