Newbie Starting HCG


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I'm 24 years old, and trying to lose 15 lbs. I'm starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections, but I just want to know the best area to inject and the best/least painful method of injection? How often do I take a shot? Also, I've read that when on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you're only supposed to have a 500calorie per day diet. I am also doing p90x so I don't think only consuming 500 cals is safe, will the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) still be effective if I eat my regular 1000 calories? I don't want to lose muscle, I am trying to lose fat and build lean muscle.

WHOA !! man look , Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is not for fatloss, and going under 2000cals ed is utterly retarted!

whats your stats though, we can help better if you give us that.
you realize Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is extracted from preggo womens piss right? and in a womens body taking by injection when nto preggo could reak havoc on you.
men use it because it (by fluke findings in passed) worked the testies into producing sperm and keeps size up , and may help with post cycle therapy (pct) if used before hand.
for a women ,man,, i really dont rec this.
I rec Need2slin or well ANYTHING over Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a women.

i have herd in a couple places about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and fatloss but i have read into it and feel this is BS.

learn diet and trainning FIRST before you start taking compounds that could hurt you....
I'm 24 years old, and trying to lose 15 lbs. I'm starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections, but I just want to know the best area to inject and the best/least painful method of injection? How often do I take a shot? Also, I've read that when on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you're only supposed to have a 500calorie per day diet WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?!?!. I am also doing p90x so I don't think only consuming 500 cals is safe, YOU ARE RIGHT! will the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) still be effective if I eat my regular 1000 calories? I don't want to lose muscle, I am trying to lose fat and build lean muscle.


in red and blue ;-)

That is the website.

quote from the website: hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone naturally produced by the placenta in pregnant women and almost completely controls the metabolic function through the hypothalamus throughout the pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief however, the hCG used in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet protocols is a variation of the hCG form used for fertility treatments, and in a much smaller dose. All hCG used for medical purposes is natural, but created in laboratories from sterile cells. It is NOT extracted from women or animal urine- a common misconception.

I believe the 500 calorie/day diet is for people who are obese. I'm a healthy weight, but I have a high bodyfat percentage. I'm 5 foot 5 1/2 and 133 lbs
I believe the 500 calorie/day diet is for people who are obese. I'm a healthy weight, but I have a high bodyfat percentage. I'm 5 foot 5 1/2 and 133 lbs

Even if they are obese, a 500 calorie diet is insane.

The weight didn't get packed on overnight, and it doesn't come off overnight.

IMO.... If you need to loose 15, get your diet under control, and do some cardio
When taken in smaller, frequent doses (daily), HCG actually fills up your bloodstream with non esterified fatty acids, which absolutely kills your hunger. You'll get your daily hunger pangs at the times you usually eat, and then you'll have a protein shake or a chicken breast and feel compltely full.

I've personally done a stint of hcg at 200 IU ed, and lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks (including glycogen dump). I was eating 1400 calories (just protein and veggies) a day.

I tried it a second time, but i ate more (around 2000 cals) and it didnt seem to do anything. It seems like the HCG diet only really works when your fat is limited to under 30 grams a day and you eat no carbs. Needless to say, this is not very muscle sparing, but it does get you super fast fat loss (with some muscle loss on the side).

Wouldn't do HCG as a chick though. Nasty dark brown mucus is gonna start seeping out your snatch. If that's ok with you, you can just pretty much pin wherever. Just pinch a fat roll on your belly with your left hand and pin into it with your right. Rotate belly quadrants every day. Make sure you eat no carbs and super low fat, and have as much protein as you can (via chicken, canned salmon, or shakes). I got over 190lbs of lbm so maybe you'll have better luck with not losing lbm.

Edit: 500 cal a day is retarded, dont do that. Also, you seemed to imply that 1000 cals was your "usual" intake, so you might need to learn to count calories because there's just no way you're eating that little and not going completely insane.

Also, the brown mucus smells bad too.
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