Newbie Testosterone question


New member
Quick question....I am confused about why people have some impotence problems or loss of sex drive while on a test cycle. Obviously i know why this would happen after a cycle is over, with natural production being low, but if your taking either test or d bol or something along those lines, shouldnt the added increase in test create a much stronger sex drive? This probably sounds like a stupid question to most of you veterans, but since im new i had to ask. Thanks!
What are you referring to?
I have not heard of this happening while on a test only cycle.

The only thing I can think of is if they were using say a fast acting test like prop and did not inject regularly (at least every other day) to maintain test levels. In other words injected on Monday and didn't inject again until sat, sun or mon. The test levels after day 2 are steadily and sharply dropping and your natural production hasn't had time to kick itself back into gear. That is the only thing I can think of but I'm sure others here will have better explanations of this rare situation.
On test only this will not happen. On something like tren, deca, even steroids like EQ and Anavar (var) can cause a loss in sex drive if you do not include test with them. This doesn't go for every person, but enough to make you want to run some test with any cycle.
Most people will not have issues with impotence on a test cycle, its pretty rare. It does seem more common though when people take mass amounts of it experimentally, or possibly for long periods of time at high doses.

Pretty rare on the whole.
I see, what about a dianabol only cycle or a dianabol / deca cycle? Also how does a drug like "liquid femara" add to this problem? Does getting rid of any excess estrogen add to this problem or take away from it. Figure taking the liquid femara EOD 1/2 cc.
It does seem more common though when people take mass amounts of it experimentally, or possibly for long periods of time at high doses.
I wanted to point that out as well. Test usually hightens sex drive, but megadosages seem to be counterproductive. It's the case with me as well; I had higher sex drive on 500mg/week, but not so much at 1000mg/week.
ive heard that as well.. my buddy is currently taking sustanon, and he claims that his sexdrive is incredibly stronger than before, but ive also heard from a few people that it can be severely decreased as well