Newbie want to try dinitrophenol

Geez I hope I'm misunderstanding something. It appears some are defending DNP usage? That's fine but please keep in mind the OP and how stupid an idea that would be given his seemingly casual association with exercise/recomp.

No stats history nothing offered up by him to give me the impression he is in precontest mode.

I agree with the general consensus that the OP shouldn't be using dnp - he clearly has no idea what he's doing & none of my posts should be interpreted in a manner to suggest I'm giving him permission to use it.

However, I do NOT agree with the approach of spreading lies about a compound as a form of discouragement - the whole "I'm lying to you because I'm looking out for your best interests" shit doesn't sit well with me :)
I know exactly who Noel fuller is.
I find it interesting that you mention his great reputation and that's why he should be trusted...then you mention matt porter.
Being a prep coach does NOT mean you know everything about every compound - most prep coaches don't have a clue about dnp.

I'm familiar with the matt porter incident, but decided to not comment because I have no idea what the kid was running, the dosing, his overall protocol from his coach, etc.
The last I read from Dante was that nothing had been firmly established and the kid wasn't being coached by matt when he died.
Of course if the toxicology report and case study have been published showing exactly what was going on then by all means I encourage Noel to post it up, otherwise its all rumours and meaningless to me.

When I said "nonsense", I'm referring to the kid with the elevated heart rate condition from dnp.
Noel's reputation doesn't change the facts on this - there is nothing about the mechanism of dnp to suggest it has the ability to cause these types of conditions, its an impossibility UNLESS other drug interactions complicated things.
Or the dnp was fake.
Matt trained the kid for the Oregon in July 2014, the kid was prepping for another show right after that when he died, what would you say if the police were questioning everyone?
Matt trained the kid for the Oregon in July 2014, the kid was prepping for another show right after that when he died, what would you say if the police were questioning everyone?

I find it really hard to believe that their have been no legal repercussions for matt if he in any way was responsible for the kid dying - that's my main opinion on the whole thing.

Even if for the sake of argument we assume that matt was responsible - I would focus on the poor level of knowledge some prep coaches have & the stupidity of clients to not research the compounds they take, rather than the supplements themselves.

If coaches actually knew what they were doing (as they should), and the clients bothered to research the stuff they put into their bodies (as they should) - then this entire situation would be avoided.
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The kid hes talking about died of Rabdo, he wasnt taking in enough carbs and his coach had him doing a lot of cardio on it, think about it, you burn off your carbs and your body has a artificial stimulant drriving it it needs calories, when the carbs are gone it will turn to fat stores, when it runs out of fat stores it will turn to eating up the muscle for fuel, when the body has to process that musch protein through the kidneys I bett hats where you get the Rabdo.

This isn't how it works on DNP Noel.

The only proven mechanism by which DNP can be fatal for a healthy person is due to hyperthermia, which in itself causes rhabdomyolysis.

On dnp, the cells in your body will produce ATP (energy source) no matter what your macros are, cardio activity, etc. The problem is the body has no way of defending itself against dnp - this leads to overheating.
Once your temperature rises the reaction as to what organs fail first (kidneys, heart, etc) is completely random and at this point you have full blown hyperthermia (rhabdo being a side of this) and death soon follows.
Geez I hope I'm misunderstanding something. It appears some are defending DNP usage? That's fine but please keep in mind the OP and how stupid an idea that would be given his seemingly casual association with exercise/recomp.

No stats history nothing offered up by him to give me the impression he is in precontest mode.

Gbrad - I don't think anyone here is advocating the use of DNP (Look at post #28). The OP is going to do what he does, regardless of what opinions we all have here. We are all in agreement the OP isn't ready for it. Everything we talk about here requires some sort of education or familiarization (AAS, AI, Serms, etc) - that's what the OP doesn't have and why he should be on this board - to educate himself, read, ask, etc. The compound has been be used by several members successfully on the board and is one that is NOT recommended (by anyone) unless you are an experienced pro or high level amateur (Nationals, etc) - clearly he's neither of these and lacking education on this and probably AAS in general
And I personally think Dante has some exterior motives with his little essay that's being posted everywhere

Firstly, I hope you've noticed that I've twice had to correct Noel on the way dnp functions - on the heart condition nonsense and how it causes rhabdo through hyperthermia NOT through high cardio/low carbs bullshit.
You shouldn't be listening to someone who doesn't actually know anything about how the compound works - prep coach or not :)

As for the matt porter stuff, without a toxicology report or other form of evidence its all a bunch of rumours that I don't care about.
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You can learn everything you need to know about DNP off the net, I like how the guy knows its impossible for DNP to have any other consequences than hyperthermia, your right I dont know that much about DNP, you know why? Not a lot of human trials done on it, and niether do you, whatI do know is there have been 5 people in the hospital from it and they do share something in common, two here in Oregon, the kid who talked to me most about it has an elevated heart rate, did he get it from DNP? Hell if I know but it wasn't his first cycle and he didn't have it before he went to the hospital. And because we disagree doesn't mean you have corrected me skippy.
You clearly said that rhabdo was probably caused by low carbs and too much cardio when I know for a fact based on the toxicology reports and the mechanism behind dnp that it was due to hyperthermia.
Considering I'm basing it on science & experience, and your basing your view on a wild guess about a compound you admit to knowing very little about - in what way is this me NOT correcting you? :)

Now your saying you don't know if the dnp caused the elevated heart rate when earlier you were pretty factual in stating that it was...
You seem to forget that literally hundreds of thousands of people used DNP legally in the 1930s with not a single report of any sort of heart condition. Since then, all the toxicology reports on dnp have also found no signs of heart damage and there was a thorough review on dnp in 2011 that also confirmed that it doesn't effect the heart negatively whatsoever.
The evidence in humans may have limits, but its there if you look hard enough.

I have no problem with you having opinions on the subject, but you need to understand that as a respected coach many people will take your opinions to be facts - when they're not.
This is very common on the internet so I hope you can see why I'm correcting some of the things you say.