Nitric oxide and seizures


New member
About ten years ago I was diagnosed with Simple Seizures. Every once in a while I would have a strong Deja vu feeling, everything would stop and I would wake up on the floor. Since being put on meds I have not had one seizure until recently.
Two weeks ago I started taking No Bull by Musclemeds as my preworkout drink. The stuff works pretty good, but several days into it I started having random seizures again. One or two a day. I did a little looking around on line and found that Nitric Oxide may induce siezures in people with seizure disorders.
I have since stopped taking Nitric Oxide supplements and switched back to non Nitric Oxide preworkout drink. Since then I havent had any episodes.
Has anyone else out there every had this happen to them?
I had never read about people getting seizures from pre-workouts but then again I don't know anybody that has random seizures.

Have you gone or called your doctor to see what in a pre-workout supplement might be causing it? If it's the caffeine or the other stims then we could help you find really good pre-wokrouts that are stim free.
Keep in mind many supplements contain products not listed to include banned and or prescription substances. (think last time I read up on it, it was about 40 percent of supplements) It may be more then just the nitric oxide.
I've dealt with people who had seizures in my carrer. Many had gotten their seizures in check and ended up having one after not having one for years. Tests revealed they needed their med adjusted. I saw that several times and it always came back they needed their med adjusted.
The other times their were changes in their meds or they took something that blocked their med from doing it's job. That one was far less.
Don't use any pre workouts....ever. They are over stimulating u and that when ur brain goes into overload and poof, a seizure occurs.

Trust me on the. I have eplisey, mine is very very well controlled but that's cuz I watch everything I do. Everything man.