Gentlemen, pardon my title. I would like to address the obvious fact that there are far too many young guys on here that are getting/attempting to get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the wrong reasons. When I say the wrong reasons, I mean guys who have NEVER in their lives had the stones to commit to working out HARD (everyone says they workout hard, but do they really, by whose standards), eating right, and living a lifestyle that brings good results to the body and mind. Everyday it seems that another punk is posting on how to obtain testosterone from a doctor. It's so obvious that these same guys are hoping to get a legal cycle for testosterone. Bottom line, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is b.s. for a large percentage of the guys that are on it. Those comments are NOT directed to the men who actually need/deserve a prescription for testosterone. Bottom line, too many chumps/wimps looking for a shortcut because they have NO BALLS to simply workout hard enough to bring gains. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) IS NOT FOR BODYBUILDING PURPOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!