no balls

And if you read what testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can do for people it is giving them a better since of well being ie helping with depression. At least that what doctors told me. Thats the only reason I'm trying it.
WilsonHHHE... Do you know if your levels were measured in ng/dL, because if so, consider yourself lucky to have ELEVATED levels by most standards. Before I ever even touched gear, I was sitting at 452ng/dL (at the ripe young age of 21).

I see where the argument loius t. poses comes from, many people do want the easy way out. But I think it's pretty ignorant to say that a lot of people on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) use it to simply get themselves an edge. The edge you are gaining from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is Dr. prescribed and in MOST cases, Dr.'s can't just give a script to anyone. There is a lot that goes into getting a script, the most important thing being lower than average levels of test in the blood stream.
WilsonHHHE... Do you know if your levels were measured in ng/dL, because if so, consider yourself lucky to have ELEVATED levels by most standards. Before I ever even touched gear, I was sitting at 452ng/dL (at the ripe young age of 21).

I see where the argument loius t. poses comes from, many people do want the easy way out. But I think it's pretty ignorant to say that a lot of people on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) use it to simply get themselves an edge. The edge you are gaining from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is Dr. prescribed and in MOST cases, Dr.'s can't just give a script to anyone. There is a lot that goes into getting a script, the most important thing being lower than average levels of test in the blood stream.

Not sure what is was measured in. I can tell you that my IGF-1 levels were very low, and that was most of the reason I got put on the treatment. Hey and to tell you the truth I was looking of a edge. I stay stresed out and have had anxiety attacks for years and after I turned 35 or so I started to get really depressed. I have been looking for the best thing that help me feel better about me. Like most people on this board are. Louis t came off wrong way wrong. I came on here to see what side effect people had if any and discuss some that I am having and see how it was delt with. I can see that louis t has the side effect of high estrogen levels because he is bitch at people he does not even know anything about.
Just leave it alone Wilson, what u did was right bro. Just leave it at that.
Good for you bro!! I like your style :bigok:
I totally agree and let me add , that the ones who want to do gear before they are even living out on there own and not under Mommy's wing. 25 years old is the youngest I would go. Just my opinion and NOT judging ANYONE!!
Peace Oz
Gentlemen, pardon my title. I would like to address the obvious fact that there are far too many young guys on here that are getting/attempting to get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the wrong reasons. When I say the wrong reasons, I mean guys who have NEVER in their lives had the stones to commit to working out HARD (everyone says they workout hard, but do they really, by whose standards), eating right, and living a lifestyle that brings good results to the body and mind. Everyday it seems that another punk is posting on how to obtain testosterone from a doctor. It's so obvious that these same guys are hoping to get a legal cycle for testosterone. Bottom line, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is b.s. for a large percentage of the guys that are on it. Those comments are NOT directed to the men who actually need/deserve a prescription for testosterone. Bottom line, too many chumps/wimps looking for a shortcut because they have NO BALLS to simply workout hard enough to bring gains. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) IS NOT FOR BODYBUILDING PURPOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!