No gains in over 2 months


New member
Hi everyone,

first of, some background info about me:


Height: 6.0ft
Weight: 192lbs
BF: about 12%
Daily calories: 3'000-3'500, meals every 2-3 hours
Exercise level: daily (3-4 days lifting, rest light cardio)

So thats me currently, I've sustained a shoulder and chest injury. This happened over 3 years ago, I had surgery for the shoulder, the chest was left untreated. My right pec got torn off the collar bone / sternum and grew back on about an inch lower than it used to be. This makes incline and over head presses very difficult because my shoulder will compensate for the pec. Hence I can only go as heavy as my shoulder can handle, no more heavy bench presses and flys are almost impossible.
January 2012 was the first time I was able to go back to the gym for the purpose of bodybuilding. I've gained back 30lbs initially very quickly but the last 2 months I've seen nothing, hardly even sore.
What I've done so far is medium to light weights on DB press until failure (30-50 reps) I got some growth out of it at first but I'm clearly stuck now.

I'm generally stuck with my upper body, my legs are amazing looking, I work them once a week, as heavy as possible and till failure, easy as that. I can't do that with most of my upper body. I hit every muscle twice a week now simply to make up for the lack of intensity, it helped at first but shortly after growth stopped yet again.

I'm running out of ideas, was wondering if anybody has some input.


I eat very clean and healthy, I go several months until I eat junkfood and even then its mostly homemade with rather wholesome ingredients. Perhaps my sugar intake is a bit low?

Pre workout meal: 20g waxy maize starch mixed in 100g of oatmeal, flax seed and 30g of whey isolate + 3 egg whites.

Post workout: 30g waxy maize starch or maltodextrin + 30g whey isolate.

During the day I consume about 300g additional slow acting carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta),
30g of protein every 3 hours, mostly lean chicken / turkey breast, in total about 250g of protein a day
I consume a lot of fat as well, I don't know the exact number but usually have about 10 -20g of walnuts or almonds with every meal or a lot of omega3/fishoil capsules, few egg yolks per day too.

Thats about it, been stuck at the 195lbs for over 2 months now. My workout sessions are what they are, I mix it up a lot and do get plenty of rest in between, but I do lack intensity. Some are probably going to point out the cardio and the fact that I'm at the gym daily, I think thats not the problem however. I have very little to none activity other than that (desk job) and I tend to gain fat rather quickly if I don't do that. Besides, my cardio is very light, I keep my heart rate around 115 for 20-30min. Its more about circulation and getting off the damn chair.

So, what do you think?
you gained back all the weight you lost, now you're back to slow gains. you can't expect to gain 20 pounds a year anymore. however, you probably need to eat more man. you weigh 192. are these the calories you ate to get back to 192? i would bump it up to around 4000.
If gains are not coming here's the strategy i use and it works very well try it out for yourself!

1. Am i eating enough? If no, then eat more. Check scale weight, aim for 1-2lbs/week.
2. Am i truly pushing myself to improve? Via Rest/Pause, Reverse Pyramid, 30 Seconds rest, etc.
3. Am i giving my muscles enough recovery time? This will tie into #4,5 & 6.
4. Do my joints bother me?
5. Is my motivation down?
6. Are my lifts stagnated or barely improving?

Finally, if you are not recovery enough but eating a LOT of food while not seeing improvements in strength or weight gain. You need a week off or a deload. I like to hit it ULTRA hard for 4 weeks then back off for 5 days. When i get to the 4th week i start to feel less motivated and irritated, moody and just shitty to be honest. Joints get irritated and PUMPS are extremely difficult to get.

Today is my last day off of my current break and today is the 5th day i feel like my old self again. The real shocker is the day you come back you usually hit a bunch of PR's because you are 100% again!
^^this, or something similar that works for you. When I feel like I hit a plateau I take 3 days off.. 1st day is a fasting day of nothing but water.. then 2 days of loading mainly carbs then back at it and lifts have increased every time.. good luck!!
you gained back all the weight you lost, now you're back to slow gains. you can't expect to gain 20 pounds a year anymore. however, you probably need to eat more man. you weigh 192. are these the calories you ate to get back to 192? i would bump it up to around 4000.

I didn't gain the weight back that I've lost, before any of this happened I was at 228. You make a good point about the calories and I've been thinking about that too. Before my injuries I'd consume about 4500cals
I've tried to do that now to see if it helps but I've gained quite a bit of fat in 2 weeks so I stopped. I want to mess around with it again, maybe 3'800 this time, but first I want the fat I've gained off, will take till Wednesday. We'll see.
My main concern is the lifting though. Heres what happens every time at the gym:

I do an exercise, warm up, then I start. I will go till failure and beyond, I start sweating and breathing heavily, usually end up with 1 or 2 reps in bad form to kinda cheat it.
Drop the weights, catch my breath, muscles are pumped to hell. Rest 30sec, do it over.
5th set done, I'm way beyond failure, sweat running down my face. So far so good

Go on to the next exercise, you all know the drill, 45min - 1h later the workout is over.

Then... it'll take no longer than 1 minute or 2 and the pumps will go away, I've caught my breath, my heartrate is normal again, basically I feel as if nothing ever happened. Same the next day, I wake up, I'm not sore, I'm not exhausted. I really feel like I've done nothing at all. The scale stays the same and so does my strength.

I will take the advise you people gave me, I'm staying out of the gym for a few days and up my calories a little bit, then start over on friday. I'll post back next week about how it went.
If your pump diminishes that quickly or is difficult to get i would try 2-3 days off with extra carbs/protein as it is a big indicator of an over-trained muscle or lack of carbs/water. Looking forward to your results man :)
If your pump diminishes that quickly or is difficult to get i would try 2-3 days off with extra carbs/protein as it is a big indicator of an over-trained muscle or lack of carbs/water. Looking forward to your results man :)

I get that feeling too, I haven't been at the gym for lifting since Saturday, I went this morning to do back and shoulders, Also for the first time I'm now using the German volume training method . I'm a little bit sore now, that's a good sign.
I do tend to under eat, I'm so used to being lean, I can't stand going over 12% BF, that's another thing. I'm sure its carbs, everything else I get plenty, I've added more carbs for pre/post workout, breakfast and first meal post workout now. Maybe/hopefully that'll do the trick. We'll see, I'm excited to find out, def. gonna post the results in a week or two.

Thanks so far for everybody's input, I appreciate it a lot.
Btw. how important is sugar/ simple carbs during the day? I know its a must post workout and possibly for breakfast, but other than that I only eat complex carbs, could that be an issue? If so would it be enough if I add some potatoes since they're fairly high on the glycemic index yet low in calories?
eat more food. period. when you grow you need to eat more just to maintain, then eat even more to contintue to GROW. rest helps too. 99% says youre not eating enough.

remember --> you dont grow IN the gym...
Alright quick update. I took the advise you guys gave me and started eating more, especially simple carbs. I did gain some fat rather quick at first but I can tell my muscles are slowly getting bigger and my strength is clearly up. I still don't get sore and the pumps don't stay for more than 5min but its def. better than before. Will do this till new year and then start cutting a bit.
Thanks to everyone for the input!
Alright quick update. I took the advise you guys gave me and started eating more, especially simple carbs. I did gain some fat rather quick at first but I can tell my muscles are slowly getting bigger and my strength is clearly up. I still don't get sore and the pumps don't stay for more than 5min but its def. better than before. Will do this till new year and then start cutting a bit.
Thanks to everyone for the input!

HELL yeah man, glad to hear things are back on track. The slight fat gain is imminent but don't let it deter you from getting better progress on your lifts which will lead to better increase in muscle size/strength. :)
eat more food. period. when you grow you need to eat more just to maintain, then eat even more to contintue to GROW. rest helps too. 99% says youre not eating enough.

remember --> you dont grow IN the gym...

this guy is right on the money ^^^...forget about counting fckin calories an all that bull shit ..EAT like fck and train like fck

try to eat all the shit thats good for you and not just crap or your get fat.

it works tryed it .

have a nice day
you gained back all the weight you lost, now you're back to slow gains. you can't expect to gain 20 pounds a year anymore. however, you probably need to eat more man. you weigh 192. are these the calories you ate to get back to 192? i would bump it up to around 4000.

good advice!
also dont workout too often (2-4 X a week heavy) and CHANG IT UP!. say every week and have 3 or 4 "types" of ways you do it each week to shock the muscle.
Eat more protien, train less, train at maximum intensity since you are training less, and always outperform your previous training session
30 pounds of gain since January is no joke. I wouldn't be worried if my gains slowed after 30lbs, it takes time. Up your calorie intake and you will grow.
Just food for thought too, I have been making really good progress lately lifts wise but haven't seen much scale weight gain. Goes to show you that as long as your making some sort of progress your moving forward! I've been trying out N2 Slin lately with my big carb meals to enhance my carbohydrate utilization and it must be working.