no libido bad erection after 15 days of dbol


New member
I tak dbol 40 mg ed for 15 days only first in my life . After 15 days 'when i stop taking i feel low erection ..but its about 2 month but still no erection..please help
I tak dbol 40 mg ed for 15 days only first in my life . After 15 days 'when i stop taking i feel low erection ..but its about 2 month but still no erection..please help

Oral only cycle without an AI or PCT. Pretty much the opposite of how it's to be done. Good news is that you *might* be okay if you start a PCT now.

Head over to the AAS forum here, and start reading the sticky threads after you place an order for nolvadex and clomid (tamoxifen/clomiphene) as these are what you need to restart your body's production of testosterone again. That, or you can ride this out and hope things return to normal.

If you have a special lady in your life, you might want to pick up cialis as well, to help with things in the bedroom until you recover. Read up as much as you can, so you will know better in the future.

Educate before you medicate. (can't remember who started saying that here, but I'm stealing it :p)
Istarded pct with clomid but it makes mad ..i m not able to tolrate it puts me in depression ..i take it only for 3 days 150/100/50...i reduce the because it makes me feeling like mad man...but even at 50 mg does it was too hard for me to take it...
Istarded pct with clomid but it makes mad ..i m not able to tolrate it puts me in depression ..i take it only for 3 days 150/100/50...i reduce the because it makes me feeling like mad man...but even at 50 mg does it was too hard for me to take it...

You were starting out on too much clomid. Try taking it with Nolvadex as well. If that doesn't work try Nolvadex alone.
I want to share one more thing ..their was sudden improvement in erection after the 3 days us of clomid as i said above but it was temporary...but now i am not able to get erection