No libido on Test/Tren/Mast, got bloodwork done what am I doing wrong?


New member
I'm basically bulking on 750 test / 560 tren / 425 mast and 50mg winny ED (had some leftover from my cut) and I have no libido, I've tried alot of stuff to fix it but no susces.

I was using 15mg of UGL aromasin ED and switched it over to 12.5mg pharma ASIN ED and nothing changed at all I've got some bloodwork done but I've have no idea what it means and I was wondering if anyone could help out.

Estradiol - 934 (I think it's the tren masking my real estro no way I'm that high I was even having low-estro symtomps on 20mg asin ED dry glans and stuff.)

LH - <0.1 IU/L - Range 1.0-9.3 (Don't know what that means but I suppose if the normal range is 1.0-9.3 I have extremely low LH don't know what I should do about it)

FSH - <0.3 IU/L - Range 1.4-18.1 (Same goes for this one)

Prolactine - 0.12 U/L - Range -0.40 (And same goes for this one)

SHBG - 3.2 nmol/L - Range - 10.0 - 60.0

Testosteron was around 2500ng/DL slightly underdosed test I believe but still damned high and shouldn't effect my libido.

I'm really running out of ideas and I literally have no clue what to do if anybody could chime in I would be grateful.

(Note: Should I drop the winstrol could this have any positive effects)

I've been reading ****'s bible aswell and read something about him saying test to estrogen ratio is crucial for sex drive if anyone could elaborate on this topic would be nice aswell.
your SHBG is way too low under 20 is bad... that's what I worry for myself as well since all these anabolics pretty much crash SHBG... you can have 10K test but it's just not do it's job if SHBG is too low... low LH of course it's low since you use exogenous test
SHGB is typically low on cycle/TRT. Only high SHGB would interfere with testosterone's efficiency, not low. When it's at the bottom of the range it's just increasing free T. Apparently some people don't feel as good with super high free T but I'd say that's more of a rarity... everyone on cycle will have super high T and free T.

It certainly makes it hard with tren masking your real e2 number. If anything is the culprit I would have to guess it's low e2. Try reducing your dosage of aromasin for two weeks and see if things get better. Unfortunately because of the tren we can't really go by numbers... will have to be by feel. Let your e2 come up a bit and see how you go.
your SHBG is way too low under 20 is bad... that's what I worry for myself as well since all these anabolics pretty much crash SHBG... you can have 10K test but it's just not do it's job if SHBG is too low... low LH of course it's low since you use exogenous test

What can you do to increase SHBG?

what your have run in past from these drugs and which one is new?

Only thing I have added in is tren for the past 3 weeks been running 750test/700mast for 7 weeks but I had zero desire to fuck or anything the whole time on 750test/700mast but I thought it was because of the severe caloric deficit I was in and thought I would bounce back when I was back at an caloric surplus not really the case. I still get mild morning boners but I literally have zero desire to fuck I have never felt like this in my life before.

SHGB is typically low on cycle/TRT. Only high SHGB would interfere with testosterone's efficiency, not low. When it's at the bottom of the range it's just increasing free T. Apparently some people don't feel as good with super high free T but I'd say that's more of a rarity... everyone on cycle will have super high T and free T.

It certainly makes it hard with tren masking your real e2 number. If anything is the culprit I would have to guess it's low e2. Try reducing your dosage of aromasin for two weeks and see if things get better. Unfortunately because of the tren we can't really go by numbers... will have to be by feel. Let your e2 come up a bit and see how you go.

SHBG/Prolactin numbers are both good? Yes I'm completely gonna drop the AI then and see how I feel on that thank you!
7 weeks in you should have had bloods drawn. Running those doses of test and mast you should be wanting to screw everything. Your mistake was adding anoher compund and not fixing the current issue. Now everything is a guessing game.

How many cycle have you run? 750 is a heavy dose of Test not to know what your AI protocol should be. Since all we can do is guess I would drop the AI all together for 2 weeks like PD said above.

When I ran Tren/Test/Mast nothing was safe from being screwed!
Moon, how many cycles have you run in the past and what were they? You seem a little inexperienced given some of your questions and issues on cycle. But you are running a pretty advanced cycle right now.
your SHBG is way too low under 20 is bad... that's what I worry for myself as well since all these anabolics pretty much crash SHBG... you can have 10K test but it's just not do it's job if SHBG is too low... low LH of course it's low since you use exogenous test

He's running masteron; which gobbles up SHBG (kind of). You'll be fine as long as you don't keep it ridiculously low for very long periods of time.

OP: Even on a standard assay where tren can mess with estradiol measurements, I'm betting your estradiol is still way higher than you want it. High AND low estradiol share many of the same side effects.

10mg of aromasin ED for almost a gram of test is woefully low, unless you KNOW that you don't aromatize a lot. If you want to make this into a good learning experience, get another test from a company that doesn't use labcorp or say that it's using ECLIA methodologies.

This will give you your true estradiol levels, and allow you to learn just how much you need. Everything else is fine.

Before I hit post; I want to clarify one thing. When you say libido, do you mean you're not craving sex? Or is this a boner problem where you can't keep Mr Happy, well... Happy? There's a big difference between the two, and while estradiol is usually the original culprit - temporary solutions exist for boner problems like cialis and a dopamine agonist.

My .02c :)
Moon, how many cycles have you run in the past and what were they? You seem a little inexperienced given some of your questions and issues on cycle. But you are running a pretty advanced cycle right now.

Zero, first blast 9 weeks in gonna try to blast as long as I'm healthy hopefully 40+ more weeks gonna get bloods every 4-6 weeks.

7 weeks in you should have had bloods drawn. Running those doses of test and mast you should be wanting to screw everything. Your mistake was adding anoher compund and not fixing the current issue. Now everything is a guessing game.

How many cycle have you run? 750 is a heavy dose of Test not to know what your AI protocol should be. Since all we can do is guess I would drop the AI all together for 2 weeks like PD said above.

When I ran Tren/Test/Mast nothing was safe from being screwed!

He's running masteron; which gobbles up SHBG (kind of). You'll be fine as long as you don't keep it ridiculously low for very long periods of time.

OP: Even on a standard assay where tren can mess with estradiol measurements, I'm betting your estradiol is still way higher than you want it. High AND low estradiol share many of the same side effects.

10mg of aromasin ED for almost a gram of test is woefully low, unless you KNOW that you don't aromatize a lot. If you want to make this into a good learning experience, get another test from a company that doesn't use labcorp or say that it's using ECLIA methodologies.

This will give you your true estradiol levels, and allow you to learn just how much you need. Everything else is fine.

Before I hit post; I want to clarify one thing. When you say libido, do you mean you're not craving sex? Or is this a boner problem where you can't keep Mr Happy, well... Happy? There's a big difference between the two, and while estradiol is usually the original culprit - temporary solutions exist for boner problems like cialis and a dopamine agonist.

My .02c :)

I want to thank everyone for their time reading my post and answering it. I've been taking HG/Pharma Asin for 4 days now and I've been having really low-estro symptoms first 25mg dosing after that 12.5mg ED and on the UGL asin I would always have dry skin and lips but this time around on pharma I still have the dry skin and lips but I noticed an extremely diuretic effect (I constantly need to take an leak and I wasn't even drinking water every 30 mins) and just lethargy in general.

I think i'm pretty sure I have low estro the plan of attack currently is to drop the AI all together and see how I feel I didn't take AI today. I'm also gonna increase my test dosage to 1g and see how I feel on that since I'll have an better ratio compared to the tren and mast i'm running.

I'll keep you guys posted thanks!

Also note to halfwit - I actually have zero desire to have sex/fuck, I still get an mild morning boner but nothing amazing. And If I really want to I get an boner watching porn but it's extremely weak, hard to get and it goes down fast.
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That is a huge No-No. You are using way too many compounds on your first cycle. You have to go through the learning process and see how you respond to different steroids. For example, you have no idea how much AI to run. You are going about this the wrong way. You need to reassess your approach big time.

And 40+ weeks of this cycle? Are you insane?
That is a huge No-No. You are using way too many compounds on your first cycle. You have to go through the learning process and see how you respond to different steroids. For example, you have no idea how much AI to run. You are going about this the wrong way. You need to reassess your approach big time.

And 40+ weeks of this cycle? Are you insane?

It's just an number, I'll be smart about it I read around alot and if I have to stop after 12 weeks and be on a cruise dose of test 250mg I'll do that no problem. If I end up to blast over 40 weeks and get away with healthy levels that be fantastic aswell!

I'm not considering every coming off so I'm trying to experiment with certain dosages and AI dosages so I have more of an insight of everything. Let's say I feel great on 1g test - 560 tren - 425 mast and 12.5mg asin ED hypothetically speaking then that would be my to-go stack If I change up the ratios and mess up I always can go back to that stack and feel good. I know this is an moronic-approach but currently I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have the obligation to keep someone satisfied if my libido takes an hit. I see this as my downtime to experiment and work on learning the right-dosages for my body.

It's also an shit-shill with the UGL labs currently where I live that source cuts his test with that and that source cuts his tren with that doesn't make my guess-work any easier. So I'm currently researching alot and I'm planning on buying everything from reputable international sources that have good reviews behind from reputable people, currently it's a bunch of a guesswork and I completely understand where your reaction is coming from and I even agree with you. But i'm a little bit stubborn and I'm trying to do a lot of things once and I also understand things can go really south with my approach but I'm hoping it doesn't.
It's just an number, I'll be smart about it I read around alot and if I have to stop after 12 weeks and be on a cruise dose of test 250mg I'll do that no problem. If I end up to blast over 40 weeks and get away with healthy levels that be fantastic aswell!

I'm not considering every coming off so I'm trying to experiment with certain dosages and AI dosages so I have more of an insight of everything. Let's say I feel great on 1g test - 560 tren - 425 mast and 12.5mg asin ED hypothetically speaking then that would be my to-go stack If I change up the ratios and mess up I always can go back to that stack and feel good. I know this is an moronic-approach but currently I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have the obligation to keep someone satisfied if my libido takes an hit. I see this as my downtime to experiment and work on learning the right-dosages for my body.

It's also an shit-shill with the UGL labs currently where I live that source cuts his test with that and that source cuts his tren with that doesn't make my guess-work any easier. So I'm currently researching alot and I'm planning on buying everything from reputable international sources that have good reviews behind from reputable people, currently it's a bunch of a guesswork and I completely understand where your reaction is coming from and I even agree with you. But i'm a little bit stubborn and I'm trying to do a lot of things once and I also understand things can go really south with my approach but I'm hoping it doesn't.

So you recognize your approach is moronic but you are going to proceed with it anyway? Why not use a good approach that would allow you to achieve your goals and not be so self-destructive?
I'm on test/tren/mast and my libido is insane.

But my tren is around 600mgs and test around 300mg, and mast at 300. Looks like you have an estro issue, or your mast could possibly be fake.
Zero, first blast 9 weeks in gonna try to blast as long as I'm healthy hopefully 40+ more weeks gonna get bloods every 4-6 weeks.

I want to thank everyone for their time reading my post and answering it. I've been taking HG/Pharma Asin for 4 days now and I've been having really low-estro symptoms first 25mg dosing after that 12.5mg ED and on the UGL asin I would always have dry skin and lips but this time around on pharma I still have the dry skin and lips but I noticed an extremely diuretic effect (I constantly need to take an leak and I wasn't even drinking water every 30 mins) and just lethargy in general.

I think i'm pretty sure I have low estro the plan of attack currently is to drop the AI all together and see how I feel I didn't take AI today. I'm also gonna increase my test dosage to 1g and see how I feel on that since I'll have an better ratio compared to the tren and mast i'm running.

I'll keep you guys posted thanks!

Also note to halfwit - I actually have zero desire to have sex/fuck, I still get an mild morning boner but nothing amazing. And If I really want to I get an boner watching porn but it's extremely weak, hard to get and it goes down fast.

Hold up a second here. This is your first time and you're able to tell me definitely that you have low estradiol, when taking a low dose of AI and a high dose of test..?

And you're on tren.

You are really asking for the shit to hit the fan. You can't tell if it was low estradiol for at least a week, and if it was already high - time for more issues.

I'm not going to scold you, but you're really setting yourself up for failure by going about things this way.
So you recognize your approach is moronic but you are going to proceed with it anyway? Why not use a good approach that would allow you to achieve your goals and not be so self-destructive?

Bloodtests where I live cost really expensive upwards to 100 euro's for a bloodtest and I really much prefer to spend that money on gear for now I'll be having more of an budget 1-2 months later on then I can really drop things and get immediate blood test see how I react but for now I'm trying to fix it by feel.

Hold up a second here. This is your first time and you're able to tell me definitely that you have low estradiol, when taking a low dose of AI and a high dose of test..?

And you're on tren.

You are really asking for the shit to hit the fan. You can't tell if it was low estradiol for at least a week, and if it was already high - time for more issues.

I'm not going to scold you, but you're really setting yourself up for failure by going about things this way.

Dry skin, dry lips and diuretic effect, I don't know for sure but looks like it's low estro if not I'll find out real soon.

I'll keep you guys posted.