No sperm after 8 month cycle


I am banned!
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and i hope if there is someone who can help me with my problem, I decided to come off a 8 month cycle of test e and tren e. im planing getting married soon and have children, I went to the urologist and he said there is 0 sperm in my sample. He said i need 2 years to get my sperm back and that was a shock for me and i felt like he was trying to tell me it will never come back. Has anyone gone through this situation? Any feedback would be appreciated! :(
I cant really give advice because i haven't been through it but i dont think its the end of the world. If your coming off do your pct hcg therapy hopefully youll bounce back. I know alot of guys even myself have kids on aas you probably have 0 sperm because you just came off.
My libibo is up and down. Some days is extremely high and others its not-existant. My nuts have come back a little but still shrunken, Any good PCT to use more?
I did PCT used Aromasin and ZMA. How long does sperm usualy take to come back?

Aromasin is not for pct shit but what do i know i dont pct and zma never heard of that. I would have just stayed on testosterone especially after being on 2 years do another pct clomid and Nolvadex i here hcg is used when guys try to have babys but someone else can answer this stuff better than me
Do a 4week blast f hcg5000, then a proper pct clomid weeks 1-5 100mg/50mg/50/50/50 and nolvadex 5 weeks 40mg/20mg/20/20/20.... If u have more clmid and nolva mnds well fonish the btes... Plus do a supplement called DAA, just follow what the label says... Ur pct was absolute garbage and a waste of time
Do a 4week blast f hcg5000, then a proper pct clomid weeks 1-5 100mg/50mg/50/50/50 and nolvadex 5 weeks 40mg/20mg/20/20/20.... If u have more clmid and nolva mnds well fonish the btes... Plus do a supplement called DAA, just follow what the label says... Ur pct was absolute garbage and a waste of time

I will for sure do that, i hope it works because im a bit worried
I did bloodwork and the dr said my testosterone is 60. He said normal range is 250-1100

So you technically never recovered then. Post up your bloodwork with your name etc removed.

LH/FSH, Test, Estrogen, SBHG are the ones we are looking for. But essentially, a solid PCT is in order for you. Blasting hCG until your testicles are plump and producing sperm again, then drop it for Toremifene/Clomid and take it from there.
I did bloodwork and the dr said my testosterone is 60. He said normal range is 250-1100

Yeah, you've been given great advice already. Post up whatever blood work you have, and get straight onto that Power PCT. hCG is what will make or break you here most likely. The whole protocol is absolutely necessary.

You could always look into HMG after your Power PCT to assist fertility.
Thanks for the advise guys, i will get the paper and post it here soon so you guys can look into it. again thanks for the support its very usefull for me to know what to do and how to fix this issue
Just curious ! what were your doses for the cycle and what kind of gains did u make running tren and test for that long ?
8 months on tren? really..

dosages / prior cycle history?

how old are you? post your stats

did you tell the doctor about your anabolic use?

what test did he run? for a doctor to tell you two years to " get your sperm back"
Thanks for the advise guys, i will get the paper and post it here soon so you guys can look into it. again thanks for the support its very usefull for me to know what to do and how to fix this issue

Get 5000IU of HCG
Run 500IU every day for 10 straight days
Take 3 days off
Run Clomid at 50mg and Torem at 60mg for 12 weeks straight. I disagree with any dosage over 50mg of clomid. It simply is not beneficial or necessary. Clomid is harsh for men. It will give you PMS and make you and emotional bitch. It makes me as mad as a hornet and I am an intolerable insufferable asshole on the stuff. Torem can be run up to 120mg if you want. It's good stuff. This is going to take time, dude. It's not going to be fun. You may have to do this twice. HCG is key, and remember to take 3 days off before switching to the clomid/ Torem therapy. Good luck, but you may never get your levels back to where they were pre 8 month cycle. You must be prepared for that fact.
My doses were minimum. 300mg of each weekly. I'm 31 year old. When i started i was 83 i reached 145kg.

The dr is Indian and i had feeling he really dont know what his doing so far as 2 years getting my sperm back is ALOT. He said ive used to much doses and my body is completely off down for a long time. I'm going to post my test soon so you guys can look into it.

so you put on nearly 140 lbs in 8 months

at 300 mg tst/trn per week


I never wanted to go for cycle in my life but some of my friends advised me after 2 years training. It helped alot actually im not going to lie but now it effected and that's because the lack of knowledge. Here in arab country we dont have that fyi.

My result, so far im done and its over for me going to gym anymore im tired :)
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I will run with the advise im having also post my blood work