No2 and Creatine


New member
is it safe or recommended to take creatine and/or No2 (Hemodialator) w/ your cycle?

ill be starting Test 400 in May. do i need any anti-e supps?

and where can i get sterile oil to mix w/ the test 400 cuz i hear it hurts like hell....would this be like at a local pharmacy?

thanks in advance
taylor said:
is it safe or recommended to take creatine and/or No2 (Hemodialator) w/ your cycle?

ill be starting Test 400 in May. do i need any anti-e supps?

and where can i get sterile oil to mix w/ the test 400 cuz i hear it hurts like hell....would this be like at a local pharmacy?

thanks in advance

alot of people take creatine during and after their cycles to help hold gains. i've never done it myself, but its cheap enough to try it out.
yes, you'll need anti-e's. nolvadex is a good one. have a full post cycle therapy (pct) ready for afterwards.
if you need to brew your own stuff up you can probably find what you need at out the chemistry section here for tips on brewing