NO2 and knee injury


i recently had an MRI done of my right knee

it said the lateral meniscus is broken and something in the patella is fucked too

the orthopedist said im going to have surgery for it in december, as it is not a huge problem, but will lead to me being in crutches for about 3 days

he also said "no squats and basketball" but gave me the ok for light leg extensions and leg curls

my question is - will my condition worsen if i take pump tech or other NO2 products?

i am currently training 5 days a week, and would like to take pump tech, but im not sure if it will interfere with the recovery process of my knee
Aboot said:
The NO2 should have no real affect on the recovery process of your knee.

I agree, be careful with your knees for a few weeks and depending on how well they are healing then add more leg exercises--ask your doctor about using knee wraps.
NO2 products will have no affect on your knee as they basically have no affect on anything anywhere in the body. for the money, you're better off buying creatine, food, carbs, protein, food, beer and pussy.
diegothailand said:
NO2 products will have no affect on your knee as they basically have no affect on anything anywhere in the body. for the money, you're better off buying creatine, food, carbs, protein, food, beer and pussy.
i second that. :D