nolva messing with bloodwork?


New member
ok ive mentioned this in a post before , but does nolva mess with blood work?

i was using the sponsored liquid nolva and got pretty high estro readings (felt fine, no sides, my main muscle was working fine;))
this has happened twice...
i was using whilst on cycle both times.. so either the nolva is bunk or it does infact mess with estro readings...

anybody experience this also ?
Nolva would not affect estrogen readings while using exogenous test.

What makes you think the Nolva was causing your high estrogen readings? Could you elaborate and share numbers?
Nolvadex doesn't lower estradiol, so I don't know why you would think it's bunk in that respect. It just prevents it from binding to receptors (mostly in breast tissue and the hypothalamus).

An AI is what you should be gauging in this regard.
because it should atleast block the estrogen building up !! unless your taking an ai and a sarm at the same time ??
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because it should atleast block the estrogen building up !! unless your taking an ai and a sarm at the same time ??

Again, no. It does nothing to stop estrogen from building up while running exogenous test. It simply "blocks" it from binding to estrogen receptors.

You seem to have a misunderstanding non how SERMs and AIs work.
heres the quote ... Nolvadex is a popular and powerfully effective Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is often referred to as an anti-estrogen. However, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as an anti-estrogen in other areas.
so my liquid tamox is bunk ? because if it was ok, it should have stopped the conversion right? ... and thats why im asking if it can be picked up as estrogen by bloods.... dont be hating milton or i wont send you an xmas card for your birthday
heres the quote ... Nolvadex is a popular and powerfully effective Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is often referred to as an anti-estrogen. However, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as an anti-estrogen in other areas.

So you don't understand what that means. Not a problem.

It acts as an estrogen by actually BLOCKING real estradiol from being seen by the hypothalamus gland. This tells the body that it requires more estradiol, and then turns on the pituitary -> testes. This stimulation raises real estradiol in the process, which is detrimental to folks with certain cancers, like endometrial or cervical (I believe it was cervical) cancer due to how they're sensitive to estradiol, but SERMs do not attach at those sites. Luckily, you probably don't have any risks there. ;)

It acts as an "anti-estrogen" but attaching at receptor sites, preventing real estradiol from being able to activate biological processes there - like breast tissue formation. I actually hate the term "anti-estrogen", as it doesn't actually do anything to the estrogen itself.

Like I mentioned above, you're needing an AI - not a SERM.
So you don't understand what that means. Not a problem.

It acts as an estrogen by actually BLOCKING real estradiol from being seen by the hypothalamus gland. This tells the body that it requires more estradiol, and then turns on the pituitary -> testes. This stimulation raises real estradiol in the process, which is detrimental to folks with certain cancers, like endometrial or cervical (I believe it was cervical) cancer due to how they're sensitive to estradiol, but SERMs do not attach at those sites. Luckily, you probably don't have any risks there. ;)

It acts as an "anti-estrogen" but attaching at receptor sites, preventing real estradiol from being able to activate biological processes there - like breast tissue formation. I actually hate the term "anti-estrogen", as it doesn't actually do anything to the estrogen itself.

Like I mentioned above, you're needing an AI - not a SERM.

lol legend thanks man... how does it know to attach to those sites?? nolva is reminding more and more of a heat seeker missile the more i learn about it

so it does let real estro into the body (and or raises it), just not to certain sites ? ... thus meaning to combat gyno, nolva and letro together would be the best choice ?
lol legend thanks man... how does it know to attach to those sites?? nolva is reminding more and more of a heat seeker missile the more i learn about it

so it does let real estro into the body (and or raises it), just not to certain sites ? ... thus meaning to combat gyno, nolva and letro together would be the best choice ?

Read the link in my signature for how to combat gyno.
lol legend thanks man... how does it know to attach to those sites?? nolva is reminding more and more of a heat seeker missile the more i learn about it

so it does let real estro into the body (and or raises it), just not to certain sites ? ... thus meaning to combat gyno, nolva and letro together would be the best choice ?

Think of a SERM as a very specific key that only fits a specific lock. . These receptors are the locks that only allow estradiol and a few other molecules to fit into. As SERMs are designed to fit them not only perfectly well, they also push other "keys" out of the way to get into them - preventing them from being usable.

I could maybe go more in depth, but that would be straining my organic chemistry knowledge haha. Hopefully that part makes sense.

The decepticon above me has the link that will answer the other part of your questions far better than I can. There's really a wealth of information in there - it's definitely worth your time to read it. ;)