Nolva rebound


New member
Hey doods wat is the Nolva rebound i here about so often ? Does this always happen or is it just something taht effects certain people? Also has Provirion been known to have a rebound effect?
I think what you are referring to is Estrogen rebound from stopping Nolvadex.

Nolvadex is a SERM, and works by blocking certain E receptor sites in the body, it does not stop the actual conversion of T to E. So what happens if you are not using an anti-aromatase and using Nolva only, is when you stop taking the Nolvadex, there is still alot of E floating around the body, and that can aggrevate gyno symptoms. IT does not happen to the majority, but is possible. IMO, if you taper off the Nolvadex, you should be able to avoid any problems.

Does this hold true for Proviron...."No", as it works through a different mechanism, like an anti-aromatase.
i dont think proviron has been scientifically proven to stop estrogen anyways. but thats not what people who use it say.
cheers StoneCold. One question though. How would one taper of Nolva if say using 20mg a day whilst on a test Cyp cycle. I am also going to post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva, would you recommend tapering of that too?