non work out days carb intake


So now due to a work change im working out 2-4 times a week max coming from a 5-6 day workout schedule. Im starting to figure I should lower carb intake on the non workout days but wanted some others input. Like besides oats in the morning or 1 or 2 brown rice servings before 5pm with meals, what would you shoot for carb #wise on the off days.

bf%? 17-22

Really appreciate it and glad to be back on the ology!!

Well what are your goals?

And how many carbs are you taking in on workout days?
can you help me with my shoes question?

is it possible to purchase products like casual shoes and have a different pair delivered? I recently purchased a pair of the shoes but discovered they were the wrong pair and did not even fit thus becoming a pure loss to me.
if your building mass u need to carb up heavy everyday.If your not trying to get to bulky u dont need to put down the carbs to much remember a car doesnt need a full tank of gas to go 100mph