Noob with a question


New member
Ok, first post ... I have a legit RX for HGH, - TJET , (Tevtropin) , at the pharmacy it is about 700 dollars PER MONTH, with the water and insulin syringes. Looking around at some of the more reliable sources here. It seems my same dose, is about 150 per month. All i need to do is find my own syringes and bacterio water.

To you vets.. Are the US pharmacies that greedy, or are the sources I'm finding just able to get it that much cheaper. I get that its not Tevtropin, but blue tops if its real and not fake and Tjet is all the same stuff, Somatropin ...
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The gh at most of the sources you are speaking of are Chinese generics. Many people like them. You are paying a crazy amount. I would definately try a reputable source and see how that goes but it may not be as strong as prescription name brand. If you do your research there are plenty of diff brands that seem to be very good (jins, kigs, etc). Maybe some others can recommend a brand but the majority are selling Chinese generics at the 150 kit price.
That's what i was looking at (Hyge) , from a source everyone seems to like here. I may give em a shot. They seem to come through, at least delivering a product . The Tjet comes in a pen , but that is even more expensive, if i ran a month of the Blue Top, and got blood work done , I could tell immediately if its as strong, or not as strong. My IGF level would drop back below 100 again. Since its checked @ Labcorp every month.
Exactly correct. I'm sure it's probably stronger but I would give the others a try and get bloods done. That is very expensive. Do you run any test with it?
Androgel , That is covered by my insurance. I use 6 pumps a day. It boosted my Test from 290's to mid 600's , which is all the endo doc needed to see for her to be happy, that stuff is horrible though. It leaves you smelling like rubbing alcohol and dries out your hands and skin. So short answer no i don't really run any heavy duty Test with it. I'm not really sure that would be a good idea.

Mid 600's still is not great for my age (37 in july) . But I will take it from where I was. IGF level of 90 was unacceptable. I was tired , irritable, slightly overweight, and dont even ask about sex. **Most**of that has cleared.

Thank god we have good foreign doctors here. Because my primary thought I just needed more exercise & sun. Even seeing a Test level of 290's , several times he refused to do further testing. Then feigned ignorance. :idea:

The Dr from India (younger female) with a name I still cant pronounce correct and an office 2 floors down in the same bldg. Took 1 look at the Lab and said . Take this , this, and this ... and now 2 months later I'm 11 lbs lighter as of yesterday and feel way better.
Oh and the Tev is only 2 iu's 5 days on, 2 days off. Not exactly a hefty dose of that either. It raised it slightly after 30 days, and again after 60 days . at least I'm in the 100's. I will get another GH stim test March 9th , so we shall see .
Even if you had to use 4 iu of the cheaper stuff it would probably save you in the long run. Why don't you go post your numbers in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum. I bet they can give you some good advice since you are using this for trt/HRT. I think that gel is crap. You should complain until they give you injectable. But I'm sure the guys in that forum can answer any question you have. Good luck.
I dont think the gel is crap, I know it is ... but faced with the alternative Nothing. I will take it , plus it is covered by my insurance, and its only 30 bucks a month . So its like a dollar a day. I figure even if it works a little, I'm ahead of the game.

No injectable Test for me . Im not a candidate for whatever reason.

I'm kicking around using the Blue Tops from a source i see here. I just have actually place an order and going up to 3 iu's . Sometimes you over read ... And get worried. Like " there no way ALL these people can have such a great uncle" ...
Yeah I hear you. If they can prescribe gel then you certainly are a candidate for injectable but may have to put some pressure on them but you can also just purchase your own test. If you look around hard enough you could have a year supply at testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose up to 250mg for one hundred but most likely two to three so even cheaper than your gel.

Anyway let us know how this turns out. I would like to see a comparison between gh you get now and the generics.
Hey OP, what was the indication for the prescription for the HGH? How old are you? sorry if already said

sorry, saw it
IGF level of 85 for blood test 1, No output for GH stim test, 90 for blood test 2, slow recovery from mild injuries in my profession (and i am in one of those professions where we chase, wrestle and put new steel jewelry on people who don't obey the rules ;-), and some subsegmental atelectasis ,(mild collapsing of the lung ) causing my asthma to get bad.

Wow, I'm the healthiest wreck i ever met ...

I'm 37
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So I wonder how injectable vs gel would show on a drug screen if it ever came up for you because technically you have a script because I'm not sure if the drug screens can tell the specific ester or just the compound. I know it's not an issue unless someone brought it up but I wouldn't worry about it.
Im not worried at all.

I got bit by a dog trying to collar it and needed stitches and friggin got drug tested. And in the 10 panel , nothing showed up whatsoever . But then again, I'm not on anything they look for. They seem to be looking for illegal drugs, benzo's , narco pain killers , and amphetamine salts, oh and alcohol. Androgel is not something that will show up, and the tevtropin is def not something they test for in a drug test. I'm pretty sure the girl who administered at the Urgent Care I went to woulda failed though. :laugh3:

Dog owners got the bill too ... gotta love those implanted chips in dogs these days, all the dog warden has to do is scan it.. Wish i could do that with my wife.
IGF level of 85 for blood test 1, No output for GH stim test, 90 for blood test 2, slow recovery from mild injuries in my profession (and i am in one of those professions where we chase, wrestle and put new steel jewelry on people who don't obey the rules ;-), and some subsegmental acteclesis ,(mild collapsing of the lung ) causing my asthma to get bad.

Wow, I'm the healthiest wreck i ever met ...

I'm 37

nice, you need to be all jacked up man. as far as the drug test go ive had a number now on test that are observed, pretty rigorous. No problems.
Yeah I know how it is. Definately no worries other than a few guys in my city drew suspicion to them self and tested but that is the rare occasion and they were idiots for not being careful and quiet. That's enough out of me on the subject. Good luck to you man and keep us updated on things. And paying the kinda cash you were/are they must have ot where you are located.
I'm from the only city that has had.. The Shot, The Drive, The Fumble, Red Right 88, a serial murder going undetected with bodies in his house for years, and a Medical Mart that will never get built.

Im going to place an order today, from one of the big 2 i will let ya'll know how it goes. The good news is I already have the Water , it comes with the Tevtropin.