Normal food protein diet


New member
6-8 liters of water
1 glass orange juice
6-12 eggs with ketchup
fresh ground sirloin burgers with mayo/ketchup
about 11/2 kilos of burger meat a day
fresh steak 2-4 a day
potatoe wedges fried in palm oil/ ketchup
BBQ every night 1 big salad/ ranch
BBQ 3 huge plates of steak, chicken, pork ect/ mashed potatoes
synthetic testosterone 1140 mg per week
arimidex 1 mg ed
sometimes multivitamin
digestive problems with whey, milk, creatine, spicy food
My body likes this diet and it helps with digestive issues-lots of protein/ carbs
I want to gain mass and strength
age 39 height 5'8" weight 270 lbs bf%???
could u break those down into times please with macros?? check the first post of my free diet advice thread.. read through it.. you'll see my sample bulking diet there too


I start off with strong coffee drink then eat as much as I can throughout the day.
Goals: Use bodybuilding/steroids to heal body from damage caused by 1st and 2nd hand cigarette smoke. Gain muscle mass/strength
Tried goji,noni,mangosteen,carrot juice,high doses of vits,garlic,detox programs ect to heal
Steroids made the second biggest difference
Pounding water all day helped more than anything
Time for the body to heal and removal from cigarette smoke exposure
5'8" 270 lbs 39 y.o. bf%????
39 yo 5' 8" and 270 lbs I would look to clean up your diet, drop a significant amount of weight, then do a clean bulk.
Protein is required for the growth and development of all animals including human beings.Make sure you have a balance of whole food proteins as well as a quality chemical free whey product minus the fillers and additives.

My digestive system has an adverse reaction to whey products. Not enough lactose enzyme?????? I don't really know but even a bite of a whey protein bar and I have to use the restroom all day. Is there a protein supplement I can take? What happened to egg white protein powder?