Not Eating on my winstrol Cycle.


New member
Hi, im 23, and ive recently noticed major changes in my body IE gaining weight, and more fatty tissue in my belly and legs. Im 5'4, 134lbs. I work out often, sometime more hard then other, and I lift weights, I do well. My x was a personal trainer and I used to train women from his gym as well. Long story short, im gaining weight and getting desperate to do anything to lose it. Ive cut my calories to maybe 500 cals a day and started to dart down a weird road. i started the cycle of a 10mg a day oral winstrol cycle,8 days ago today. Ive been taking adderall to make me not eat. The reason for my behavior is because my mother gained weight at this age. Growing up she was 400lbs at 5'4. Im beggining to think that this is it for me and now my body is changing and im gonna gain a like crazy and end up like that. Im healthy, no health problems ever. But Ive gone from 115-120 to 145 in the matter of 4 months even with My routine healthly lifestyle, eating healthy,working out, everything the same. No Meds.So I dont understand this weight gain.

Going back to my diet with my 10mg winny cycle, 500cal a day diet my question is,

-will i lose weight and be able to cut up quickly to get back into shape and ween off?
-If not, then what should my diet and cal intake consist of?
-Any other good tips while on a winstrol cycle for fat loss tips?

Plz be gentle, im very nervous even posting, never done this, and i fear a bashing. Plz dont merke me in words. Im a cool chick, im just scared of gained so much. Thank You.
is this a serious post or something trying to troll??

youre eating 500 caloires a day??

youre taking winstrol?????
youre making a huge mistake.. get off the winstrol and slowly bring your caloric intake up 100 calories a week till you are at 1500 calories..

what are you doing to yourself??

your going to gain even more weight eating 500 calories a day.. your metabolism shuts down
are you a in amazing shape man with lots of muscle to feed and train an hr a day? If so then yeah i could see that.

Im eating clean meats and veggies 4 times a day, its just a palm size portion. I want to lose weight, im a single mom alone with no help, and my son is 3yrs old, i have devoted my life to this boy, no one else is ever around, we dont have family, I work 12hr shifts 5am-6pm. 4 days a week, as a lab assistant. Im the only one supporting us. i get off work pick him up from daycare, just with enough time to give him bath, dinner, and books before bed. Im doing the best i can, i just want to keep that up. My mom and dad never gave me what i strive to give my child. I dont want to be out of shape, at the end of my days i feel like i have no energy even on my days off. I know the crash diet is bad, but for my situation its something that ive come to conclusion through due to my lack of time, energy, parenting, and all around life has to offer. I dont want to let myself go and im desperate, for a budge in my weight.
There is a right and wrong way to staying in shape.. Your current route will only lead to Failure
I thoroughly believe that steroids fuck with the thyroid tremendously. I never wanna lift and I have to force myself to eat.
You need to calm down first if all. Taking aderal not to eat? And started winstrol? You need to calm down and listen to 3J. He's a professional nutritionist. His advice to slowly raise calories is correct, your going to shut down your metabolism and cause more damage thAt will take time to fix. Calm down and slowly raise your calories. Once your back to 1500 then we can start seeing about how to loose the weight in a healthy and safe manner
im 8 days into this winstrol cycle, what should i do then, now i feel like ive started and i should just finish it, Ive lost 6lbs in 8days
Quit the winny. That's not why your loosing weight.

Again, slowly increase cals till your at 1500 and then u can start to make progress the right way.
the reason im not losing weight is why then?

2 possible answers to this:

1) Your eating more calories than you actually think - I noticed that you said your eating "maybe 500" calories, have you been counting or guessing?

2) Your cortisol levels are through the roof, which is making you hold alot of water that hides any fat loss that may have occured.
You losing 6 pounds in 8 days is almost all water & your original post sounds like your very worried/stressed - classic signs of cortisol increase.

Post your diet & lets breakdown your real caloric intake.
Also, you need to relax to get that water off you - menstrual cycles are bad enough but elevating your cortisol as well can easily add 10 pounds of unnecessary water weight (no Im not kidding).
Whoops edit, forgot it's a female lol. I advocated the use of
Test but never mind lol.
This is a great post... We do have to validate her caloric intake
2 possible answers to this:

1) Your eating more calories than you actually think - I noticed that you said your eating "maybe 500" calories, have you been counting or guessing?

2) Your cortisol levels are through the roof, which is making you hold alot of water that hides any fat loss that may have occured.
You losing 6 pounds in 8 days is almost all water & your original post sounds like your very worried/stressed - classic signs of cortisol increase.

Post your diet & lets breakdown your real caloric intake.
Also, you need to relax to get that water off you - menstrual cycles are bad enough but elevating your cortisol as well can easily add 10 pounds of unnecessary water weight (no Im not kidding).
Perfect, so i added up my cals last night and anywhere from 700-900 calls. Im going to increase my cardio, and slowly add more cals everyday, So yeah i was off alot by my cal intake and as my weight dropping for sure to.

I wrote down my weight at 143.6 when i started my winny cycle on Friday08/29/2014. I woke up this morning at 132.5.

Im having 4-5 small meals a day. Thats a cup size serving.
I chose 1cup size serving of any of these for my meals every 3/4 hrs:

-Ground turkey/chx breast/ grnd beef 85-90%/ beef
- quinoa
- veggies/ fruits

My water intake is about 1/2 gal a day maybe more if i drink an herb tea/ nothing added.

Yes im stressed, but it looks like what im doing is working.
Again, 10mg winny cycle ill be going for 50days

Should I stop or keep going after that?

My main goal is to drop fat, and tone my ass and stomach, my arms are tone- I just need my lower belly and ass and back of my legs to tighten up.. Thank you all again for your help.
Do NOT increase the cardio, this will only increase your cortisol further (making you hold more water).

I still don't think the winstrol is going to do much since its not a fat burner; it will help get some water off you (as you've already seen from the weight loss) but it does ZERO for fat loss.
You should drop the winnie & let your diet do the work - at 800-900 calories you should see around 2 pounds of fat loss per week, pretty much the maximum for someone your size.

If your REALLY determined to stick with it, then switch the dosing to 10mg EOD (every other day) just to make sure you dont get any male side effects.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions/share your worries, cycling for women is a serious matter :)
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