Not Eating on my winstrol Cycle.

Yes I know about the side effects, but im on a small does, and ive talked to many women who have taken it and they informed me just to run the 10mg due to the fact that i workout hard and that they never got any either, if i notice any effects i will simply cut my dose in half or stop completley, I started the winny and am now scared to stop, im going to finish it out
That's like a man saying I started estrogen pills and now I'm scared to stop.

Winstrol is not a fat burner and is going to do more harm then good to your body. You don't need it, you are simply looking for a quick fix to a problem that should be solved with diet and training adjustments.
Yes I know about the side effects, but im on a small does, and ive talked to many women who have taken it and they informed me just to run the 10mg due to the fact that i workout hard and that they never got any either, if i notice any effects i will simply cut my dose in half or stop completley, I started the winny and am now scared to stop, im going to finish it out

I'd honestly suggest to drop the winstrol and just learn how to DIET correctly.. crash diets and extreme caloric deficits are no good especially for someone who has not been following a diet plan leading up to such a large deficit... it's one thing for a bodybuilder to do it because they poses that inner drive to meticulously add minimal amounts of calories at a time when stopping their deficit...

but for a regular person all a huge caloric deficit is going to do is have you lose tons of weight (muscle and fat) for the time being until you eventually end upon a binge and gaining all if not more of the weight back

That's like a man saying I started estrogen pills and now I'm scared to stop.

Winstrol is not a fat burner and is going to do more harm then good to your body. You don't need it, you are simply looking for a quick fix to a problem that should be solved with diet and training adjustments.

I agree - it does have its place for highly trained female athletes, but not in this case.
I really hope she knew about the whole masculinity side effects came along with running winstrol

The effects are dose dependant.
Most women I know who use winnie go with 10mg EOD & achirve great results with zero masculine sides.
When asked, I usually suggest 1mg/10kg per day as a good starting point, based on the OPs goals 10mg per day is overkill.

My advice was for her to stop the winnie, she rejected it.
She's not one of my girls so I don't need to babysit her, some people only learn through their mistakes - I sense the OP is one of those :)
10mg is a ton for a female

As a coach who's worked alongside, and with, women who have used winstrol I know that 10mg is not a "ton".
Most start at 5mg/10mg eod & progress to 10 with no issues whatsoever.
Easy sign of trouble is her voice cracking = stop the cycle immediately.

Now please respond with your typical bullshit to justify why you, a dude with zero experience working with girls (if you do then I feel sorry for them), thinks 10mg is a ton :)

I will not let the few women who do post on here be fed grade A bullshit by dudes like you.

OP: I hope you get a chance to read this & stay safe on the winstrol -
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