Not your normal d-bol cycle question


Based on all the recent dbol cycle questions, I got to wondering about something. I think it was oldmusclemike's response that sparked this question. But to clarify, I do not plan to do this so I don't need to be talked out of it. My next cycle is already planned and it won't be an oral only cycle.

My question: If you are on your trt dose, would there be any benefit and/or negatives to adding in a 6 week dbol blast? You're getting your test, although at a lower dose than a cycle, so would you make gains, would there be negative sides, would you lose it all like oldmusclemike said he did?
Good question i dont know but why not try it? Thats always been my way of finding things out allt of advice is given solely on what they think or have read on the internet. Hands on is always the best imo unless its something totally stupid then obviously dont do it lol
Doing a Dbol blast while on 200 mg trt dose of test would be fine.. And your more likely to keep the gains because you'll continue taking the test after the Dbol cycle
On TRT is fine as you're keeping testosterone flowing in the body. Many guys on TRT use orals every so often as a mini blast of sorts. I personally don't really think it's worth it, but I'm just a fan of AAS stacks.

As dianabol aromatizes a shit-ton, AI use should be turned up in kind. The only sides would be those inherent to the drug, on top of the liver toxicity being a factor.

My .02c :)
I'm scared or tren for now. My next cycle will be the test, deca, dbol one outlined by 3J in thread here.
I'm scared or tren for now. My next cycle will be the test, deca, dbol one outlined by 3J in thread here.
Great mind think alike. Thats my next cycle as well! Exept with Masteron in there too!

To answer the question though. There is no problem running a dbol 'blast' so to speak if you are on TRT.
This is exactly what I plan on doing once I start trt which my be soon depending how my bloods come back after this pct. I'm getting up there with age and prob going to start just maintaine what I have and maybe just throw in an oral with my trt dose here and there. Especially during back season
I'd like to hear how that works out for you. I am curious to know if the gains stick around or not. Thought of doing the same but I've always avoided orals because I know they're hard on the liver. I seem to be perpetually low on E2 so maybe a little Dbol is just what I need.
I may or may not have a drawer full of delicious trenbolone...just working up the nerve for round 2 with that dirty bitch. I just got married and the annual bonus just came so maybe I'll give it another go around, not much to loose now ;)
Curious... do you keep to your medicinal dose of Deca whilst running Tren HW?

Also, would low dose Deca help with regard to recovering from an injury?

I'm kind of jumping the gun a little as I'm still in my cut, but I'm hoping that tren will help me continue pushing at max intensity while in a deficit as I'm definitely feeling the lack of energy at this point - being so close.

I'm going to be sticking with 200mg of the deca for now, and if I hit my target goal fat percentage fast enough, I'll probably bump it up to 600mg for the remainder.

My shoulder has actually been healing pretty quickly, but I don't know how much of that is due to being on deca or not. Keep in mind that my tendons in my shoulder weren't an issue, I had a foreign body in the muscle that had to be removed. So anabolic substances seem like a good fit as I need to build back up any tissue that was damaged due to the surgery. If it were something like a rotator injury, I'd have probably pushed for HGH to assist with the healing process.

I've run tren and deca together twice now, and on lower doses (200mg) of the deca, I don't notice much of a difference with regards to E2 control/prolactin management. At the higher deca doses (500+), I got three blood tests to make sure I'm keeping estradiol at the lower end of optimal (21pg/mL - 26pg/mL) and didn't have to bring the prami out of the fridge. Of course if I started getting a visit from the limp dick fairy, I'd be on the prami ASAP.

Hope that makes sense. :)
I'm kind of jumping the gun a little as I'm still in my cut, but I'm hoping that tren will help me continue pushing at max intensity while in a deficit as I'm definitely feeling the lack of energy at this point - being so close.

I'm going to be sticking with 200mg of the deca for now, and if I hit my target goal fat percentage fast enough, I'll probably bump it up to 600mg for the remainder.

My shoulder has actually been healing pretty quickly, but I don't know how much of that is due to being on deca or not. Keep in mind that my tendons in my shoulder weren't an issue, I had a foreign body in the muscle that had to be removed. So anabolic substances seem like a good fit as I need to build back up any tissue that was damaged due to the surgery. If it were something like a rotator injury, I'd have probably pushed for HGH to assist with the healing process.

I've run tren and deca together twice now, and on lower doses (200mg) of the deca, I don't notice much of a difference with regards to E2 control/prolactin management. At the higher deca doses (500+), I got three blood tests to make sure I'm keeping estradiol at the lower end of optimal (21pg/mL - 26pg/mL) and didn't have to bring the prami out of the fridge. Of course if I started getting a visit from the limp dick fairy, I'd be on the prami ASAP.

Hope that makes sense. :)

Thanks buddy... i've been debating about whether to drop my medicinal deca when I try my first Tren run later in the year...
I'd like to see what Tren does for me with no other compounds in the mix.

Good luck with your blast bro :)