not your normal Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) question


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not your normal hcg question

Hey guys, i startwd Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and wondwring how i would know if its working? Ive always had small balls even when i wasin tip top shape and didnt need test replacement.
Even if your balls are small they will get rock hard. When Im on T only mine dont shrink but they get mushy. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hardens them up.

Also your semen volume can increase. Those are the main things that I look for but you may be different.
Honestly my first thought was damn that takes some balls to post that you have always had small balls....any further explantion needed?
It dont matter Im not laughing at the fact that you wrote it, Im laughing at the irony of how it takes some big balls to say you have little balls...This is exactly why I didnt want to explain...youve taken all the fun out of it and now made it a,jk with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you should notice a substantial increase in nut. You'll fill er up for sure
Haha, since you put it that way the irony of it is funny. I just didnt know howto really ask the question without sounding like a troll. I been using axiron and it worka good but it also shut me off completely.. i read alot of stuff on this forum and its a great site for info.
Is this good as PCT after cycle?
I read to use in pct but i read to use in cycle?
I never used it before.
From what i know Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really isn't post cycle therapy (pct). Its used during. Nova and chlomid is post cycle therapy (pct). Im no expert. Just whati read
yeah from me research that seems to be so. I know a good amount on aas, training, diet.. but the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and peptides are still new to me.