Now available at the AF STORE- SESAMAX


Community Veteran
Now available at the AF STORE- SesaPURE (formerly SESAMAX)

Ulter said:
SesaPURE (formerly SESAMAX)

Sesamax is the highest purity extract of Sesame lignans available. Its high percentage of Sesamin and Episesamin provide the user with the benefits of strong PPAR-alpha agonism. These benefits include:

• Accelerated Fat loss
• Reduced Fat gain with calorie surplus (bulking or just overeating)
• Improved insulin sensitivity
• Increased mitochondrial activity
• Liver protection via hepatic fatty oxidation
• Decreased triglycerides
• Anti-inflammatory actions
• Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol
• Raising HDL (good) cholesterol
• Increased vitamin E levels

$29.00 Introductory offer at The AF Store

This is a great product. Maybe one of the most useful to the people on this board.

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What effects if any...... would this supplement have if it were combined with Glucorrel R-ALA...?
70w30 said:
What effects if any...... would this supplement have if it were combined with Glucorrel R-ALA...?

they have complementary action with R+ modulating PPARgamma(improving glucose uptake but also inhibiting adipose maturation- cells accumulate lipid droplets but do not become mature fat cells- hence are readily available for utilization) and Sesamin activating PPARalpha(enhancing fatty acid utilization and decreasing lipogenic enzymes- basically increasing energy utilization and decreasing the body ability to store fat)... both increase mitochondrial activity.

basically they work at the same "problem"(energy utilization and storage) from two different "angles"
there is some good initial feedback on sesamax on

here is a repost

AF Icon
posted 09-19-05 11:03 AM
Ok..Ok...I've only been using this stuff for 3 weeks now but I'm eternally confused.

Why in the world is this stuff not the best selling supplement of all time? Why hasn't there been more media exposure?

What is going on fellas?

I've been "off" now for almost 4 weeks. I've been using 10mgs of 6AM Dbol, Recovery Vitamins/Minerals and ALCAR and GT(when I remember to take them).

But I've mandated to myself to take at least 4-6 capsules of Sesamax with Meals per day.

I have been eating like shit for 20 days in a row or more. No regard to diet. Carbs/Chips/Fast Food etc. I never eat sugar bunk baked goods/trans fats.

I haven't been doing this to see what Sesamax would do but more as a result of a hectic work schedule that's had me traveling back and forth across the country. I've had no time to really prepare food or eat like I normally do.

My body should have "melted down" a bit and gotten a bit soft from my "ripped condition" of the summer.

Umm...Uhh.. No. I am bigger, fuller, and as lean than I was this summer doing HIT Cardio and Thermorexin. More importantly I was dieting very religiously.

So the moral of this gibberish is that this stuff is in my estimation(**INITIALLY**)the best natural supplement ever created.

I will report more on this stuff within the next 6 weeks or so to see if there are any sides or anything I'm not noticing yet.

Don't get me wrong. I love ALCAR and GT. Before this stuff I didn't think there was anything to compare. But wow. I'm really amazed at this. Truly.

More to come. IF I were any of you and were bulking, you should be adding this to your arsenal.

Well done MP and Ulter. You should be applying for a patent if available. Or working on creating your own by altering the delivery method/adding some synergins.


Posts: 699 | From: CA, USA | Registered: 11-10-00

AF Senior Member
posted 09-19-05 12:45 PM
Very interesting. How much time was there between stopping your strict diet and this three week binge? It's not all that uncommon for people who are coming off of a long period of very strict dieting to be able to eat crap and still look better than they did before. Maybe that was part of it. It will be interesting to see how your physique changes over the next few weeks.
Posts: 264 | Registered: 07-06-03

AF Icon
posted 09-19-05 10:16 PM
Good question xtinct.

Actually my diet stopped about August 13th. I had been trying to stay clean(relatively so)for the last 3 weeks of my cycle.

Honestly I'm pretty good about supplements and what they do in relation to the response I receive. I know this stuff is doing something nothing else has ever done.

Whether it's a combination of glucose uptake receptor activity(from being on lowered carbs for so long)and the Sesamax, something is happening that I've never felt or seen before with my own body. You are right in that I need to give it more time.

But I'm going to chow down on this stuff for the next 4 weeks to see if it's working like I think it is.


Posts: 699 | From: CA, USA | Registered: 11-10-00


Professional Moderator
posted 09-19-05 11:05 PM
Thanks TD, for posting your experience.
Posts: 14637 | From: Orlando Florida | Registered: 11-09-00

LUV MY 345
posted 09-20-05 10:31 PM
That really makes me want to grab some Sesamax soon to run throughout the next two months or so.
Posts: 111 | From: Great Lakes surround my State | Registered: 06-14-05

Loves Bush ;)
posted 09-20-05 11:32 PM
Sweet I'm getting some
Posts: 1075 | Registered: 02-28-01

posted 09-21-05 02:04 AM
I can't wait to try this stuff!!!

Posts: 1239 | Registered: 11-23-00

posted 09-21-05 03:05 PM
Started Sesamax today. Have been on 400-500 mg Cyp since May and ran 3 weeks of Winstrol (winny) at 50 EOD starting late July. Loved that Winstrol (winny) Wow did it change my condition. Ranks up there with Tren for me...although I could tell it was making my body work overtime even though I was taking Tylers and milk thistle and eating as clean as I could. Got down to 10-12% BF and have been working to maintain...have moved back up to 12-14% as the busy season of coaching a bunch of sugared-up 10 year olds in soccer, open houses, this that and the other thing has the routine off.

I still have a 6 pack in the AM with some love handles (my nemesis) and good veins popping out in the legs and forearms. Several new leg veins came out as the Winstrol (winny) finished and over the following weeks. I stayed on the stairstepper from hell in the AM and rode bike alot since mid August, so the condition of the legs is a bit different due to the activity level, which may explain some of the veination. Whatever the exact reason I sure enjoy it!

I have been running Glucorell and Green Tea all summer and am now adding in Alcar and Sesamax to see if I can maintain my condition while going through the varying stress of Fall.

So my experiment will be adding the combo of Alcar and Sesamax to the mix. Thanks for keeping on the cutting edge Ulter!
Posts: 110 | From: Big Sky Country | Registered: 02-14-01


AF Senior Member
posted 09-21-05 09:20 PM
I wish I had more of a sense of what this "does". I have seen the technical doctor-style debrief (LOL), and I am still left thinking "ok, so .... what .. does this really DO?"
Posts: 238 | From: San Diego, CA | Registered: 02-17-01

Big Dave
AF Senior Member
posted 09-26-05 04:42 PM
I had dieted fairly strictly and quite successfully and then realized I needed to put on some weight before I went on a intense trip overseas. I ate like a horse for 10 days and felt like I was on the juice, I was pumped from the extra cals and their was no fat going to my abs. A little water from the carbs but the affect with the Sesamax was incredible. Just got home last night and intend to get right back at it. Oh yeah, I basically used the max dosage.
Posts: 163 | From: US | Registered: 05-03-01

AF Icon
posted 09-26-05 06:21 PM

It's been about 8 more days since my first post and Ladies and Gentleman this stuff is the truth.

I ate nothing but chips/fried bar foods while watching football all weekend. I had a couple of Grey Goose/Crans too and I'm still shredded.

I've been eating cereals/breads and many other complex carbs. The kind that usually eliminate my lower abs very quickly.

This stuff is "different". I know it.

More to come as I can update it. If you're not using this stuff, you are seriously missing the boat.

And no Ulter doesn't pay me to say anything about this stuff.

Posts: 699 | From: CA, USA | Registered: 11-10-00

Anabolic Professor
posted 09-26-05 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Riker29:
I wish I had more of a sense of what this "does". I have seen the technical doctor-style debrief (LOL), and I am still left thinking "ok, so .... what .. does this really DO?"

basically it causes an upward metabolic shift at the cellular level. More specifically it reduces your bodies ability to store bodyfat and increases both energy utilization and "waste" (innefficient use of available energy) also at the cellular level.

Posts: 964 | Registered: 12-03-00

Mr. Nobody

Incomplete and Inconsistent
posted 09-26-05 08:15 PM
One week here at 3 x 2 per day and the most prominent effect is the loss of appetite, which is good since I am on a diet. Also, energy is way up.

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Nobody is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.
Posts: 4817 | Registered: 11-30-00


The Fluid Druid
posted 09-27-05 12:17 PM
Macro, would CLA+sessamax give a synergistic effect?

Posts: 1537 | Registered: 09-04-01

AF Icon
posted 09-27-05 01:32 PM
Weird Mr N.

I don't notice any loss of appetite. Are you sure it's not something else you are using that is dulling your appy? Thermorexin etc.


Posts: 699 | From: CA, USA | Registered: 11-10-00

Mr. Nobody

Incomplete and Inconsistent
posted 09-27-05 02:43 PM
You tell me. Yesterday at the Chinese hog trough, I had to quit after 4 plates of slop;
Maybe it is all in my head. Energy being up is definate though

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Nobody is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.

Posts: 4817 | Registered: 11-30-00

Big Dave
AF Senior Member
posted 09-27-05 04:31 PM
I have certainly have been throwing off a lot of body heat while on also.
Posts: 163 | From: US | Registered: 05-03-01
Being honest here, I usually find most AF products to be overpriced and/or underdosed and/or innefective for the price. This seems like a decent deal though.
while disagreeing on the first, agree on the second. You will be hard pressed to find a better deal on sesamin, very hard pressed.
macro said:
while disagreeing on the first, agree on the second. You will be hard pressed to find a better deal on sesamin, very hard pressed.

Yea... looks like its about on par. Scivation's is the same price.