Now or never!


New member
Hello guys,

This is my very first cycle. after talking to lot of people and researching i have made up my mind that its time that i go next level i have tried almost every single supplement product in the market i have been working out for close to 3 years i have achieved good results

Body stats: 21, 5'11, 74 Kg BF = 18%

Goals: To gain lean bulk without putting on fat

My cycle:

-WEEK 1-16 test E 500mg (500/500 Twice a week Mon/Thurs)
-WEEK 1-14 EQ 400mg (Twice a week Mon/Thurs)
-WEEK 1-5 Dbol 30-40MG

And anastrozole 1 mg every alternative days

Weather or not to get pined twice?

Current workout:
Single muscle group everyday along with along with lagging muscle part.

Monday: Chest (Slightly tri's)
Tuesday: Back (Slight bi's)
Wednesday: Arms (Bi's, tri's & forearms)
Thursday: Off
Friday: Shoulders
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: off

On cycle workout:
Monday: Chest/Tri's
Tuesday: Back/Bi's
Wednesday: Legs/Shoulders
Thursday: Off
Friday: Chest/Tri's
Saturday: Back/Bi's
Sunday: Legs/Shoulders

All workout along with lagging muscle part.

Do you guys find it perfect for first timer?

I am starting from monday :devil2:

Thanks for your reply Mbh87,

So getting pinned 500mg twice a week is all fine? 1000mg total in a week!

A friend told me that "EQ" would give me some quality mass, and how about dbol should i stack it or keep it for next cycle?

Acne a sure thing if i go on test e?

Thanks for your reply Mbh87,

So getting pinned 500mg twice a week is all fine? 1000mg total in a week!

A friend told me that "EQ" would give me some quality mass, and how about dbol should i stack it or keep it for next cycle?

Acne a sure thing if i go on test e?


he means 500mg/week. two 250mg pins.
And im about to start week 4 of my first TEst e cycle and have had mild acne
Hey session25,

Could you please tell me which are the areas where you are experiencing the acne's? and what are you taking for preventing them?

Could you also look into my cycle and give me your views, and how dbol help's?

I am 22 is it fine to go on cycle?

How is your cycle going, any progress you can track?

Hey session25,

Could you please tell me which are the areas where you are experiencing the acne's? and what are you taking for preventing them?

Could you also look into my cycle and give me your views, and how dbol help's?

I am 22 is it fine to go on cycle?

How is your cycle going, any progress you can track?


Ive had a few small acne on my face and chest, thats about it. Right now im treating them w Netrogena body wash and this prescription medicine...not sure what its called.

I do not know much about dbol, but if i were u i would stick w TEst 500/wk for a first cycle.

Im in week 4 and have gained 6lbs, my lifts have gone up, and i look slightly bigger overall..i still have 8 weeks to go! if u want a detailed log..heres a link to my cycle log so far..
Hey session25,

Thanks for your reply, your log is really interesting and helpful got to learn a lot from it.

How would you suggest me anastrozole dosing?

Hey session25,

Thanks for your reply, your log is really interesting and helpful got to learn a lot from it.

How would you suggest me anastrozole dosing?


personally,i like the aromasin better,i have no bad sides from it,only good sides,increased libido,and you would need to start at 12.5mg/ed of aromasin,and use it ED cause it has only a 24 hour half life....i havent used the anastrozole before,just giving you a 2nd opinion brother