NPP, dbol cycle


New member
Was wanting to try Nandrolone Phenylprop, and thought to stack with dbol for 6 weeks.

200mg NPP e3d
20mg dbol ed

What are your thoughts? I Know most of you will say add test, but it is a no no for me. Thanks
1st cycle: 400mg EQ for 10 wks.
40mg anavar for last 6 wks
Followed w/ Clomid

2nd cycle: 500mg Test E for 10wks. Sides outweighed gains
HCG, Clomid post

3rd Cycle: 400 mg Deca 10 wks.
20mg dbol first 4 wks
Clomid post

4th Cycle: 400mg EQ 10 Weeks
50mg Anavar last 6 wks.
Nolva post

just because you had sides w/ 500mg test doese not mean you will with 200-250. I can't imagine how I would feel on nandrolone with no test.

If test is definately out, maybe some proviron?

id add some test to it to make the traditional test/deca/dbol cycle....
Since you want to do NPP, id suggest using Test Prop as well to see both kick in at the same time. If you do Test Prop/NPP, id leave the Dbol out as you will see fast results even without dbol. Save the dbol for longer esther cycles like Test Enan/deca....
pits said:
Was wanting to try Nandrolone Phenylprop, and thought to stack with dbol for 6 weeks.

200mg NPP e3d
20mg dbol ed

What are your thoughts? I Know most of you will say add test, but it is a no no for me. Thanks

Go for it !!
Am I the only one who seen where he want s to inject the npp every third day??? Shouldnt that be every day or at least of other day, it is a prop ester right?? Id like to try this stuff myself.
hunter21 said:
Am I the only one who seen where he want s to inject the npp every third day??? Shouldnt that be every day or at least of other day, it is a prop ester right?? Id like to try this stuff myself.

E3D worked fine for is a Phenylprop ester, which is a little longer than a straight Prop ester.
I was curious and tried to find if it was shorter or longer acting than straight prop...and i found both...
I guess I will probably go with e3d
A friend of mine just got on BM Dubol (NPP) and is loving it.

I was going to try it but decided to stick with the tried and true test prop/tren/var cycle. I may add the NPP in next cycle with test and EQ. hmmmmm :tounge2: decisions, decisions ;)
I'd go with 100mg NPP + 50 mg prop ED

but thats just me

How long are you planning on waiting before starting post cycle therapy (pct) after NPP?
How long are you planning on waiting before starting post cycle therapy (pct) after NPP?

Actually, that is a good question, I was thinking a week after last shot.