NPP or DECA? And why???? Good and bad!


New member
I know that the two are practically the same other than their esters, but why one over the other? Likes dislikes? Looking for experienced present or past good or bad.
They are the same. Only difference is the ester. So weigh the pros and cons of a short vs. long ester and you have your answer (e.g. pinning frequency).
NPP kicks in and clears faster.
Deca costs less per volume typically (100mg/ml vs 200mg/ml)

I prefer longer esters as they tend to be more cost efficient, but I'm aware some folks prefer shorter esters due to shorter cycles. It's really up to the individual and how the chosen esters fit into their needs. There is zero difference as far as results go, so pick which fits your plans best imo. ;)

My .02c :)
Why the sexual dis function on DECA? Has anyone had this problem with NPP?
Both can cause that; it's from prolactin being elevated due to the nature of a 19-nor being a progestin. I never had "deca dick" from NPP as I learned really quickly how to control prolactin by being vigilant with estradiol as well as having pramipexole on hand just in case. I used to really advocate taking prami/caber, but given how they may not be necessary if estradiol is kept down, it can be possible to hold onto them if you find yourself pushing rope with that special lady.

FYI trenbolone can do the same thing, and acetate (even shorter ester than that in NPP) still gave me issues if estradiol management slacked. So if you're hoping a shorter ester will reduce that chance, much like some still think propionate aromatizes less than enanthate - I promise you, that's not the case. ;)
So either would provide the same benefit for joint pain correct? Like adding to TRT. I would consider NPP if it offered joint relief without any bloat. Of course at 100-150mg week I can't imagine Deca would be a prob.
my biggest fear next to losing my hair is bloat, so i prefer short esters personally.
my biggest fear next to losing my hair is bloat, so i prefer short esters personally.

Bloating too me was never a big deal but hair loss well that strikes close to home.

All my family both dad and mothers side all the men had a full head of hair right into their mid 60's.

But I have a bald spot right on the top of my head. I call it my tren spot,lol.

Seriously though tren is an awesome compound but man is it tough on the hairline.
So either would provide the same benefit for joint pain correct? Like adding to TRT. I would consider NPP if it offered joint relief without any bloat. Of course at 100-150mg week I can't imagine Deca would be a prob.

Yes, both (they're both nandrolone as China Wall mentioned above) esters will increase the viscosity of your sinovial fluid, providing a measure of joint relief. I personally use 200mg of deca a week with my TRT, and enjoy all the benefits, without any side effects. Granted, I'm a hormone-nazi when it comes to estradiol -- which you'll still want to keep at optimal levels.

Bloat is not related to ester at all, that's bro-science. It's related to aromatization, which is easily controlled via using an AI at proper doses. I do recommend getting a blood test after 6-8 weeks to ensure you're using enough AI to keep things in balance.
Yes, both (they're both nandrolone as China Wall mentioned above) esters will increase the viscosity of your sinovial fluid, providing a measure of joint relief. I personally use 200mg of deca a week with my TRT, and enjoy all the benefits, without any side effects. Granted, I'm a hormone-nazi when it comes to estradiol -- which you'll still want to keep at optimal levels.

Bloat is not related to ester at all, that's bro-science. It's related to aromatization, which is easily controlled via using an AI at proper doses. I do recommend getting a blood test after 6-8 weeks to ensure you're using enough AI to keep things in balance.

Cool. Thx. We've chatted before re adding Nan so thx again. I'm dialed in on TRT and have more recently got a grip on my e2 now but will stil run labs couple months after adding Nan.
Cool. Thx. We've chatted before re adding Nan so thx again. I'm dialed in on TRT and have more recently got a grip on my e2 now but will stil run labs couple months after adding Nan.

I think it's definitely worth it with TRT. It's nice that it doesn't interfere with TRT tests either. :)
Cool. Thx. We've chatted before re adding Nan so thx again. I'm dialed in on TRT and have more recently got a grip on my e2 now but will stil run labs couple months after adding Nan.

Just keep in mind that nandrolone does aromatize too. At a lesser rate than test, but it aromatizes nonetheless.
I respectfully disagree... same compound (nandrolone) = Same results/sides (if dosage is equal)

Could it be that with using long esters and their long half lives, the compound stacks with every injection and reaches a higher peak value thus causing more bloat/water retention than the shorter esters? But technically, it's still the same side effect. Just due to a higher peak value of the same compound
Could it be that with using long esters and their long half lives, the compound stacks with every injection and reaches a higher peak value thus causing more bloat/water retention than the shorter esters? But technically, it's still the same side effect. Just due to a higher peak value of the same compound

Both esters do this. It is just a function of doses, half lives and pinning frequencies.
Could it be that with using long esters and their long half lives, the compound stacks with every injection and reaches a higher peak value thus causing more bloat/water retention than the shorter esters? But technically, it's still the same side effect. Just due to a higher peak value of the same compound

Actually, the short esters should cause more bloat as water gain is due to aromatization - which comes from spikes in hormone levels. This is why short esters are injected more frequently, it keeps the spikes to a minimum. Long esters; especially decanoate, have a nice slow ramp up time, which also prevents spikes.

In the end though, they both (short and long) will reach approximately the same steady-state value - providing the same benefits and sides. Unless the injection frequency is really poor, like E7D or some nonsense with propionate.
I respectfully disagree... same compound (nandrolone) = Same results/sides (if dosage is equal)

IRD here. NPP has a shorter ester. Measured aganist each other NPP is stronger than DECA on a mg per mg basis. The decanoate ester in DECA makes up more of the weight than does the prop ester for "NPP". For ex. ( just throwing #'s out ) 100mg of NPP might equal 90mg of Nandro vs 75mg of Nandro of DECA per Ml. Depending on the dose, Feq and duration the amt of aromatasition can be more drastic due to the long acting nature thus the higher level of active component in the blood. Conversely the NPP, being a shorter ester is "in and out" therefore the aromaticity is less. Which should lead to less estrogenic sides. But China Wall you are right. When the ester is "cleaved" the anabolic effect is identical.