nuts shrinking to the size of this an exaggeration?


New member
I hear alot of bros say their nuts shrink to the size of rasins...Is this an exaggeration, or can they get that small...I've been on gear for over a year..test enth. all year, and although my libido fluctuates like crazy, I havent' shrunk to that size...Does this occur w/ everyone who does not go off?.
I don't remember what my nuts looked like before I started and never came off...It's been so long, but they are bigger than peanuts.
I've been on test enthanate for 14 years and they have'nt gotten that small yet. It takes careful planing,hcg,nolva,and watching that they don't do that. Who likes raisins anyway,my girl prefers plums.
Yeah they do but not to many, fact is some people wont get much shrinkage at all whether they stay on for a week or a year and others will get shrinkage right away, its all on the individual but it does happen
One of mine had gotten as small as a grape. Raison would be a serious exaggeration unless that person was beyond deep shyt and into your f#cked territory.

Keep in mind, shrinkage CAN be permanent, even if only some of it is permanent why live with those kind of consequences.
WALLY said:
who cares anyways. small potatos make the steak look bigger

People with permanently lower testosterone levels and weak ejaculate output probably care.
my shit shrinks almost right away, i never let them get to the size of raisins though, i think i would actually cry if they got that small. thats why there is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) though, no need to let them get so small or even let them shrink in the first place.
when i was on a dbol cycle, i didn't even notice a change. My results now of a so-far test online cycle are very miniscule. Raisins in my case, would be a huge exageration ... i'd say the size of a peanut in it's shell ...without the weird shape.
I never noticed shrinkage until I touched deca/fina, then it was a whole new ballgame.
sixonetwoseventyfive said:
I notice the samething when i use deca. My balls shrink so bad its scary.

same here, but again, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is all you need to keep them bastards nice and full. in all honesty i dont see much much difference between decca and test. in both cases my nuts were gone as soon as the shit started building up to decent levels. use HCG, and you will never have to worry about testicular atrophy. that just sounds bad doesnt it? testicular atrophy. ouch.