
New member
cycle ended , last shot was 250 mg on 9/28/06 , will run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000 mg a week for 4 weeks then noval for 3 weeks ,
diet is back to 3 100 gm protien drinks daily and all the food i can eat( clean)
thur night chest / tri

i did tri and the left elbow is tinder .
back tonight
did you opt not to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle, or did you not know about it?
thinkandgrowrich said:
cycle ended , last shot was 250 mg on 9/28/06 , will run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000 mg a week for 4 weeks then noval for 3 weeks ,

That is a terrible plan. Without even knowing what your cycle was, you need to start Nolvadex 2 weeks after your last injection of Test enanthate or cypionate....or 3 weeks after you end Sustanon, EQ, or Deca.

Not only that but only 3 weeks of Nolva is not nearly long enough to fully recover.
yes the plan suck's , that is not news to me . stoping cycle was not by choice , my body is making me . i just got the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , very hard find this time and i dont like taking nova but i will for short time frames . at this point test is of no value to my body , happen this way every year , the drugs dont work , my weight drops ect . when i get to this level . then i stop the juice and start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , get the nuts going and then add novl after the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ends . this a year after year routine and i dont advise anyone to follow this system . due to the liver not being heathy , things are a little strange .
but it's nice to see board leader take a concern and do it with out the flame .
have a great weekend and keep your powder dry
Dude,Nolvadex at 10-20mg at least for a few months after a cycle.HCG linked to allot of problems with cancer and tumors(ie. Alzado). I take it all year long. Australia has cheap, safe prices. 6 mo. on 6 mo. off if not worried about kids and healthy. FIA

kosssdogg said:
Dude,Nolvadex at 10-20mg at least for a few months after a cycle.HCG linked to allot of problems with cancer and tumors(ie. Alzado). I take it all year long. Australia has cheap, safe prices. 6 mo. on 6 mo. off if not worried about kids and healthy. FIA

None of this makes any sense??

Do you have proof of this?

First you say that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is linkd to cancer and concerns about sterility and then you say you're on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) year round, why??

At he moment you can't get anything in OZ let alone HCG.