Official Shorter People Thread

Painful Pleasure said:
damn bro you look massive. you've only done M1T? that must be some powerful shit.

here is a bigger version of ur first pic.

agreed. very vascular, paper thin skin, back looks great. Dude looks good.
thanks everyone for the comments...PS Vondaho you have a really solid build, i was wondering what you do for your triceps because they esspecially stand out to me. I am certainly thinking of running a cycle sometime soon because i think i have built of base that is reasonably solid.
peanut said:
thanks everyone for the comments...PS Vondaho you have a really solid build, i was wondering what you do for your triceps because they esspecially stand out to me. I am certainly thinking of running a cycle sometime soon because i think i have built of base that is reasonably solid.
yes i would say so.
Vondaho said:
Currently taking Leukic, Gakic, and NaNoX9 (Muscletech)
I currently dont drink protein but i make damn sure i eat 5 times a day and take my pills.
Any suggestions on what i should do next to bump up the levels to progress more??

I would drop that muscletech crap if i were you.
lifttillIdie, thanks man...i have been squatting like crazy trying to add some denser muscle all around but my legs are still embarassing so i wont show them just yet. i am hoping ot gain 5 more pounds by summer.
peanut said:
lifttillIdie, thanks man...i have been squatting like crazy trying to add some denser muscle all around but my legs are still embarassing so i wont show them just yet. i am hoping ot gain 5 more pounds by summer.

I hear you. I never want to post pics because I'm always thinking a few more lbs...a few more lbs...
i dont know how much i weigh outlaws..last time i checked like 160 but i sure hope it is more now...PS, ingram looks outta control....i would love to say i am shooting for that but it seems unattainable at this point
Ingram said:
5'7 on a tall day...

looking shredded Ingram...

Lift, I feel you on the pics lol. It's hard comparing yourself to some of these guys (not just this thread, others as well).
LiftTillIDie said:
I hear you. I never want to post pics because I'm always thinking a few more lbs...a few more lbs...

I think it is time for your pics, after all many of us have done it.....
Lucky13 said:
I think it is time for your pics, after all many of us have done it.....

I'll post them at the end of my cycle. You will have to keep building up all your criticism force until then.