oh hi

thanks brolly...i got called out in the convo lounge for my stats...the pic is me at 6'0 218 6% from 6/07

I'm now at 225 5% with a tan...i'll post up again when i get some recent pics
thanks for all the compliments..lol

I'm 39 this Nov

right now i'm on ..
80 tren ace ed
100 test prop ed
50 Winstrol (winny) ed
50 proviron ed
100 mcg clen ed

Ive done about 5 or 6 cycles over the past 4 yrs and been working out since 19...Ive done pretty much everything except halo and dnp

my training split is just each bodypart 1 x week.. no cardio because it just eats me down..except for riding my dirtbike and sex

my diet is somewhat clean but not what anyone consider a "diet"
i eat shitty ..like 2x wk

my wife cooks and feeds me so I don't really eat outside of what she gives me ..she competes in figure so she's mostly responsible if I look good.
Nasdaq said:
thanks for all the compliments..lol

I'm 39 this Nov

right now i'm on ..
80 tren ace ed
100 test prop ed
50 Winstrol (winny) ed
50 proviron ed
100 mcg clen ed

Ive done about 5 or 6 cycles over the past 4 yrs and been working out since 19...Ive done pretty much everything except halo and dnp

my training split is just each bodypart 1 x week.. no cardio because it just eats me down..except for riding my dirtbike and sex

my diet is somewhat clean but not what anyone consider a "diet"
i eat shitty ..like 2x wk

my wife cooks and feeds me so I don't really eat outside of what she gives me ..she competes in figure so she's mostly responsible if I look good.

lets see if i got this right...you dont do cardio..you eat shitty...and you dont diet while cutting...yet you look solid as a mofo..
ChicOnSwole said:
Where are your leg pics???

Are you mad at me for saying you need to drop 15lbs? lol

i was'nt being mean I just think you could be leaner...as for my legs ,they match my upper body..i don't think I'm anything special,i think you look better than me fwiw.

As i said I only posted because I got called a liar for saying I had low bodyfat not because I'm some kind of a bodicebuilder,I more an alcoholic than anything else.
No, not at all I was just curious. The picture I posted was just some random off season picture not a bbing pic. Love to see your legs tho. You are blessed with wonderful genetics if you don't work at it. Nice physique and overall shape. :)
lol i wish i could go out and get fuckin obliterated every weekend without thinking about how big my stomach will be the following 4 days