oils, oils, and a whole load of oils...


drunken master
can i use soy oil for homebrewing deca and test? that's the only pre-sterilized oil i can find in the internet. tell me if there are other types of oils which are sterilized already and that you can get them online.


what are the effects of using soy oil instead of sesame seed oil?

bro you dont need sterile oil. cmon man quit it. you are saking the same questions over and over again.
OMG..... your unbelivable mate.

bro try canola oil they say its very thin you could get it off local groceries

uhmm ..mr. experitse (pullinbig). okay after heating the oil and pouring it into the beaker with the ba/bb and horomone(powder) it will still be hot. i have to draw out the HOT solution into the syringe. uhmm.....you said that would cause problems with the syringe. what? do you expect me to wait for the solution to cool down first? what do i do in that step when drawing the hot solution into the syringe before putting it through the whatman filter? you're the expert so tell me.

You seem to be turning addition into quantum physics here. Its hot, sure. Wait a few minutes for it to cool down. I dont see the problem here, and until you go ahead and convert your going to dream up ways to make this more difficult that it is.
A little offtopic, but related question:

Why don't any of the home-brewers use ethyl oleate (the oil used in Virormone and Testex)? Are there problems in getting it, high price, solvability issues?

Thanks in advance.
It takes awhile for the oil to cool down, I messed up a 10cc syringe not that long ago, thats life though. It is easier to pour into an open vial via a funnel and then crimp it, if you cant do that just let it cool down.

I use walnut oil that I buy at some new age grocer here, Whole Foods I think it is.

I have seen particulate in my mixed stuff anyway which would have come in my powder, so you are going to filter the shit anyway right?
sterilized oil already.

if i just bought already sterilized oil then i wouldn't have to worry about heating anything up, right? hey makes life alittle easier right?

Mix hormone with solvents/oil
Heat to clear (if necessary, usually is)
Filter with whatman, millex, or comparable syring filter
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emperorga said:
if i just bought already sterilized oil then i wouldn't have to worry about heating anything up, right? hey makes life alittle easier right?


are you fucking retarded? have you read anything that has been posted "mr experitse". you are the dumbest mother fucker i have ever met. go back to kindergarden and start over. obviously you cant read or you would have read the numerous posts explaining in detail how to do all the things you have asked. you have 0 fucking comprehension. someone ban this dumb bitch.

how was my sensitivity on that one guys? did i express my point of view without being overbearing? was i sensitive of his needs? did i get my point across without being too calous. in conclusion was our conversation fruitfull and did i use constructive criticism rather than being cold and distant?

perhaps on a scale of 1-10 you guys could rate my exchange with bright boy. 10 being on the negative end of the spectrumn and 1 being the opposite.

i will start and give myself a deffinate 10+. although insitefull i perhaps could have been a bit more gentle. but none the less which ever form of conversation we use with boy wonder it doesnt matter. he dont read anything anyway. i think its animal over here just to torment us since he was banned from here and he banned me from his board. :)
I thought it somewhat funny that his avatar is Ralph Wiggum.

Anyhow, I always heat my beaker up on the stove to get the stuff mixed anyway. I have a gas stove so its friendly to this kind of work, then I stir it up a bit with a glass rod. So I use heat regardless.

As I said I filter regardless of any baking done afterwards for purposes of removing particulate matter if nothing else, because I have seen it in my final "product," so the filtering gets rid of that even if it were to get rid of nothing else. A filter will cost you $4-$5 unless you buy in volume. I have not been baking my stuff as of late, just filter.
"Because we can get a gallon of good, thin, healthy oil for CHEAP."

Fair enough, but oleate does have several advantages (using insulin syringes is a good example).
So is price the main issue then? Or have you not even considered it? :)
emperorga said:
if i just bought already sterilized oil then i wouldn't have to worry about heating anything up, right? hey makes life alittle easier right?

No. You will have to heat your stuff after you've mixed the oil, "powder", and BA/BB anyway, or else the "powder" will never dissolve. As a conversion virgin, what you have to understand is that the "powder" is almost never actually in a powder form. Enanthate "powder" is like a cake of soap. EQ is molten at room temperature and looks like a bag of oil. Deca is almost molten at room temperature, and has the consistency of a thick goo. All of them will require heat to blend properly. This ain't like mixing Kool-Aid.

You need to stop trying to re-invent the wheel and listen to the people who have some experience.
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pullinbig said:
are you fucking retarded? have you read anything that has been posted "mr experitse". you are the dumbest mother fucker i have ever met. go back to kindergarden and start over. obviously you cant read or you would have read the numerous posts explaining in detail how to do all the things you have asked. you have 0 fucking comprehension. someone ban this dumb bitch.

Don't mince words, tell us how you really feel.
sphynx said:
So is price the main issue then? Or have you not even considered it? :)

Interesting fact. I know I shoot plenty over 1cc at a sitting though.
to be honest if i thought this guy was legit i would laugh my off, and help him, but he is pulling our leg. its a joke so........ if its not i am sorry for being rude. he must be a special child.
DougoeFre5h said:
Mix hormone with solvents/oil
Heat to clear (if necessary, usually is)
Filter with whatman, millex, or comparable syring filter

bro just follow these steps....

and try using crude oil i for a nice black colored final product!