Ok Here Is A Test For All Of You Lets See How Smart You Really Are


feeding BH his daily cum
ok if you are not aware of all of Fizogens line it would be easier if you check them out first, read the labels of all their product and then tell me what you see as being fishy...read past the "propietary" steroid sounding names and tell me what is off, or what looks familiar? you can figure it out I'll hook you up with a brand bew unopened M1 bol , and 1 free 17 bol for the first person to get it right bet? Ill check later back tonight ..trust me people if you like to read this will be the assingment for you.
almost kinda but look at their new products thier "exposive new product that delivers steroid like groth"...lol fucking joke Im embarrased I even had anything to do with that company but your close ...first one right get 2 bottles of M1bol and 17bol
i will admit ther is smething about tyhe strap ...will it build muscle ...fuck no..but it does seem to balance your center of gravity I dont know how or why but I haver tested it ove r and over again and keep getting surprised by how people are more balanced but as actually build musc;e nope never seen that.
their products are made with the same ingredients they just combine some products to make new one look at Gear Cycle and 17bol and damn this COMPANY uses the Orotate ester on everyting
the fact that take a steroid sounding name...Deco almost like Deca..and pack it filled full of every day supp's.
(Anabolic/Androgenic Infusion Agent)
Arginine Ethyl Ester Di-HCL, Citrulline Ethyl Ester HCL, Di-Arginine Orotate, Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Creatine Ethyl Carbonate Ester, Creatine Ester Phosphate Sodium, Di-Creatine Orotate
adidamps2 said:
did i win?
yep you did wiin they fucking suck so as the winner send me a mesasage with your addy or something and you too can benefit from some fizogen garbage if you still want it.?