'ology admin needs help re: ab workout


steroidology.com mechanic
Hello Ladies,

I dont normally post, but I need a good workout routine for my girlfriend, with strong focus on abs. Her stats are: 5"4 - 115 and bf 20-30% I'm guessing. She is very athletic, and has quite a bit of power. Her concern is that she does not want to look too muscular, but toned... another concern is, that she doesnt want to have a pronounced 4-6 pack, but wants the long and lean look. Can anyone help? Thanks

Your assistance is appreciated...

macro.assembler - Steroidology.com tech lead.
hey! good to see ya! ;)
ok, so if your gf is already active with weights and does cardio, and i'm guessing has a pretty clean diet, i would personally recommend pilates for her. you can buy the video or go to a class at the gym to learn the positions. pilates strengthens and tones without adding a lot of muscle; if she already has a good muscle base pilates will help her gain LOTS of core strength. how does that sound?
LOL @ "
I dont normally post

Yesterday, 11:38 PM #1
steroidology.com mechanic
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