New member
Wow. Never heard that one before.... How it turn out?
Wow. Never heard that one before.... How it turn out?
good luck the day before the colonoscopy sucks!!!! Nasty shit to drink and no food!! I hope all is well.
haha this post is awesome! Everyone's all concerned about his bloody stools and you just casually write ''great progress''
Glad its nothing major..Not too sure about your question,glad to hear all is well. Hows the asshole feel after the inspect lol?
If it was a fissure like mine you be in so much pain you***8217;d know. But if your squirting blood I bet it***8217;s from wiping to much or hard causing the skin to get irritated. I squirted blood fewtimes it scary. DONT just take advice from a forum go to a doctor
why would you spread misinformation like this? very irresponsible, especially coming from a mod.