Thanks for the plug, supersets. Fella's, i'd just like everyone on this forum to know that you can pm me at any time for help. Leave a valid e-mail address and i can forward you all the info you need to let me get you on the right track. There are so many cool dudes on this forum that are getting so (pardon my temper) goddamn misinformed and having their lives, emotions, and physical well being fucked with by so many of these "so called doctors, endo's, medical professional's, etc., that it just gets me fucking sick! Sorry to vent guys, but i've lived on both sides of the coin and had some of my own docs screw with me the same way i see a lot of guys getting screwed with by their docs and its a damn shame. Here to help, fella's. And for the huge number of you that have already contacted me and come on board with me in such a short period of time, thanks for the trust and faith...... I promise you that you will not be let down.