One shot every third week?


Product of Test
Anyone else on here had an endo want to give one shot every third week for trt?

I am anxious to hear or see what the hell this is going to be about.
For Test cyp the protocol for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is "50-400mg every two to four weeks". Half/life is like 8 days tops.
Hey, new here too. Having the same prob I talked my Dr. into one shot of test cyp. every two weeks. She is wanting to go to 3 weeks however. After next week she wants to have another blood work up done and try to back me down to the 3. Any suggestions to screw with the test to stay at every two or go to every week? At the original blood test I just came off a pro hormone cycle and my test. was verrryyy low. I was at 24. He he, I played it real well gave her all the classic signs and such.
tell the doc what the half life is and explain that 3 weeks will not keep your blood levels stable, which is the goal
1. Request to give the shots yourself.
2. Fill script
3. Divide your ordered dose into 3 and give weekly instead of one big dose every 3 weeks.
4. Find a male doc.
5. Don't take an inject the week or two (hell even 3) before you have your blood redrawn.
6. Do take your shot that day, after the lab is drawn.
7. Argue for an increase in your base prescribed amount when your retest comes back low
8. Repeat until you are prescribed 1 Gram/week.
9. Eat, lift, enjoy HRT.
10. Send $15.00 to Codeblue for revealing his Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) secrets.
I asked my Dr to let me inject and he is not keen on it lol, I think for the reason that you can really do anything you want with the save it up and do a cycle or inject once a week which they don't like. I was put on androderm patches even when I asked for injections he said he would do it every 4 weeks which is dumb, he then said "the patches are better anyways, they keep your testosterone levels steady which is what you want" nooowwww with this being said you would think that they would want to inject you once a week at a lower dose maybe 150mg or so. But I guess its from them having problems with people abusing the steroids lol heh.
I asked my Dr to let me inject and he is not keen on it lol, I think for the reason that you can really do anything you want with the save it up and do a cycle or inject once a week which they don't like. I was put on androderm patches even when I asked for injections he said he would do it every 4 weeks which is dumb, he then said "the patches are better anyways, they keep your testosterone levels steady which is what you want" nooowwww with this being said you would think that they would want to inject you once a week at a lower dose maybe 150mg or so. But I guess its from them having problems with people abusing the steroids lol heh.

If you are wanting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) follow his advice, if you are looking to supplement yourself, take your next set of lab results (if they are still low) to another Doc. Don't hide anything from the new man, tell him you've tried this it don't work and you would like the injects. Docs are like mechanics find the ones you like. Just don't have 2 at once prescribing this stuff, thats illegal and won't really meet your goals.
I've been doing the every 3 weeks thing for several months now(200mg Test cyp)...I started at 103...and my last blood work 12 days after Inj was he doesn't wanna change me...he feels that it's working...

I tried an Endo..and he wanted to take me off immediately for 2 months and start over trying to figure out why my testes weren't working..and suggested using gel..I never followed up with that guy

I even called an anti aging clinic nearby, it appears my insurance won't cover much..
As far as the gel, I take BJJ and don't really want to dose up my partners. Might suggest that when they try to convince you the gels are the best way....
1. Request to give the shots yourself.
2. Fill script
3. Divide your ordered dose into 3 and give weekly instead of one big dose every 3 weeks.
4. Find a male doc.
5. Don't take an inject the week or two (hell even 3) before you have your blood redrawn.
6. Do take your shot that day, after the lab is drawn.
7. Argue for an increase in your base prescribed amount when your retest comes back low
8. Repeat until you are prescribed 1 Gram/week.
9. Eat, lift, enjoy HRT.
10. Send $15.00 to Codeblue for revealing his Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) secrets.

BINGO. CodeBlue nailed it - do as he says. And there are tons of docs - some prescribe freely and some are conservative. you need 1 shot/week and you can do them yourself - i have been for years.
Call Chip Wadoski hrt guy.. He will hook you up, and it's Legal
Thanks for the plug, supersets. Fella's, i'd just like everyone on this forum to know that you can pm me at any time for help. Leave a valid e-mail address and i can forward you all the info you need to let me get you on the right track. There are so many cool dudes on this forum that are getting so (pardon my temper) goddamn misinformed and having their lives, emotions, and physical well being fucked with by so many of these "so called doctors, endo's, medical professional's, etc., that it just gets me fucking sick! Sorry to vent guys, but i've lived on both sides of the coin and had some of my own docs screw with me the same way i see a lot of guys getting screwed with by their docs and its a damn shame. Here to help, fella's. And for the huge number of you that have already contacted me and come on board with me in such a short period of time, thanks for the trust and faith...... I promise you that you will not be let down.