One week in


Only one picture you say? "WTF is this shit" you say? Well, try having a wife as a photographer ;)

But anyway, If I can convince her I'm not gay for wanting to post pictures of my body on the internet, I'll throw up some more pics.


EDIT: Before anyone says it: Yes, I'm aware I have an abnormally large chin. You may address me as "Crimson Chin".
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500mg of test.e a week. I know it probably hasn't built up yet, so this is what im considering my" before" pic.
Solid base Crimson Chin. Have you made a log? If so PM me the URL I will sub it.

I have not. I probably should, but I'll save that for tomorrow when I'm at work doing absolutely nothing :D

And Snigg, 5'11", 204lbs, 11% BF(by caliper)

I'm not posting any frontiside pics til' I get this gyno under control ;)

Edit: Tonight start's week 4 500mg Test E every week.
very solid base.

the test hasnt kicked in yet. keep eating big though, it'll be in full swing in a matter of weeks!
Nice back shot bro - you have some nice delts. what r u doing for the gyno? Letro? prami?
Thanks man, I've been working hard to bring my delts up. For gyno I've been on 2.5mg of letro for 4 weeks, I'm tapering that down to. 50mg this week. Prami at. 50mg every day for almost a week now. Then a gram of b6 a day as well as 3-4mg of l-tyrosine.
Screw seeing pictures of you! I want to see pictures of your wife, ha.

Lookin good though. Def got a good base going in.
Had the wife snap a couple pics tonight. This is week 7



I know, I need to tan :(
Nice work, dude. you are pretty lean so your gains are showing up nicely. delts look great - what do you do for shoulders - or ar u genetically blessed? Side shot doesn't show any gyno - so i guess you nailed that! Good job. (BTW nice triceps) Eat big and clean in the next month - weeks 7+ are really golden for making gains so push hard and give it all you got - definitely take the last set to failure every time!
Yeah, I get flare ups now and then, but the prami pretty much took care of the gyno.

As for shoulders, Cable's man. Bent over rows on the cables are awesome, just use lighter weight. Keep the form right.

For side delts, I like to grab something solid and lean to whatever side I'm working and do my raises that way. So I guess it would be a kind of... decline raise? I'm not sure. But it works.

Definately not blessed with good shoulders, though. They were my weakest part. I just had to work the shit out of them.

Thanks for all the compliments.