oohhhh mr db


Community Veteran
remember a while ago when we were talking about 150 lb dumbells.

i said i do them for sets of 10, i ment for incline press , you thought shoulder press at first.

said you would kill yourself if i was doing them for shoulder press;)

well, i finally did them tonight:)

i warmed up with a set of 15 with 115 lb dumbells

jumped into the 130's for ten,
i was feeling good so went for the 150's got 6 with no help and 2 with help.

could not get the ten but came close. i am fucking pumped:)

after those we went into smith machine presses, 225 for 12, 315, for 12 then a strip set,

so do i have to wait till i get 10 full reps with no help before you off yourself or will the 6 with no help be enough lol.

all in fun bro, just thought i let you know i finally got them,

another goal made:)
I'd stick my head in the gas oven right now if my dinner wasn't cooking in there.

I think my suicide was contingent upon you getting the 150 lb. presses for reps before I reached some lesser goal, like maybe 100 or 110 lb. DB presses for reps, a goal that seemed attainable to me at the time of writing. However, I've spent most of the summer dieting, and there have been NO strength increases here. I'd be lucky to do a wobbly 85x5 right now.

Congratulations, that's a helluva big shoulder press! Can you kick those up to your shoulders on your own, or do you need a spotter to get them in place?
That lazy Canadian's gonna have to get off his ass and make that pair of 200s, you're gonna need 'em.
house1 said:
i had help getting them up there.

are you still dieting

Yep. The weight loss seems to go in stairsteps. I'll be stuck at one weight for weeks, then suddenly one day I'm five pounds lighter, then I stay there for a while. I'm down from 255 lbs. in June, to 215 today.

What are the biggest DBs you can get up to your shoulders without help?
i got the 130's up with no help, but was too much strain so will get help with them next time aswell

once up i am good to go.

kudo's on your weight loss, keep up the hard work, it all pays off in the end
house1 said:
i got the 130's up with no help, but was too much strain so will get help with them next time aswell

once up i am good to go.

kudo's on your weight loss, keep up the hard work, it all pays off in the end

The 85s are the biggest I can reasonably hoist up on my own, and even that's not pretty. I tried 90s once and practically blew an aneurism getting the right one up, there was no hope of even getting the left one off my knee.

Hard work, hah! After reading this thread, and your "Total Failure" thread, I am reminded that I have no right to complain about my mediocre results as long as I keep training like a pussy.
house1 said:
just need a good training partner bro, makes all the difference in the world
true dat house and congrats bro :) , 2 words for you bro POWER LIFTING :D
you are so strong, if you go from bodybuilding traning too power lifting more. You could be a bigger monster.
House1: When you and your bros are doing ass-to-the-floor squats, how wide of a stance do you guys take?
db, with heavy weight my feet are spread a little beyond shoulder witdh apart,
lighter weight i keep my feet close together
house1 said:
db, with heavy weight my feet are spread a little beyond shoulder witdh apart,
lighter weight i keep my feet close together

When I take a narrow stance, which I usually prefer 'cause I feel like it works the whole quad better, I can barely break parallel. Even with just a 135 warm-up, I'll go to the bottom and just sit there and try to relax and it won't go below a certain level. When I go wider, I can get kinda low, below parallel anyway, but then my knees aren't too stable.
They wobble a little on the ascent when I'm about half way up.

After seeing Mule's competition pics where his feet were all the way out to the sides of the cage, I tried going wider today, and my knees were better. I'm dieting, so there will be no strength increases for a while, instead I've been concentrating on "remedial" work to try to improve my form. The caloric deficit totally fucks with my motivation though.