Opinion on Andropen 275?

Gym Rat

a Legend
Hey what's happening as you can tell I'm new to the board and have been researching alot of different choices for my 2nd cycle. I've read alot of mixed opinions on this one and was hoping to get some feedback from some of the more experienced guys on the board. Andropen 275 pro's and con's vs. single ester tests. Anyone?

The Rat
Multi ester test is not as well suited to cycling as single ester. A single ester will give you a more even blood level of test over the course of your cycle than a multi will. Unless you're shooting the multi ester daily. But what's the point in that?

I suggest you stick to enanthate, cyp, or if you're into EOD shots, Prop is the best choice.
I am currently running Andropen 275 and have run it previously this year. There is validity in Ulter's point. Nonetheless I found that because it is a test blend, the gains are similar to test prop, test, cyp or any other ester, but it does have those compounds in it. I shoot every other day, just as I would while I am on prop. So to me test is test, whether it is multi blend or single compound, what matters is the injection regiment, so that you maximize each ester. Everyone is different in this regard, but I didn't notice more side effects from running a multi ester then a single ester.
I just finished a cycle of 550mg of Andropen and 350mg of deca per week. It was one of the most enjoyable cycles I have done and will likely do it again, but with a slightly increased dose. I was injecting on mondays and thursday and felt great. The injects are about painless when you draw up a little deca ontop of the andropen. Very little soreness the next day either. I gained 17lbs solid and look pretty vascular, will be starting my post cycle therapy (pct) next monday. My only complaint has been my raised BP, but this is more than likely due to the fact that Im 41 and not in my 20's. There is much confusion about how often to inject sust/andropen and what I have found both through experience and by calculating the half lifes of the compounds in sust/Andropen is that injecting every monday and thursday is fine and your blood levels will be plenty stable. The other plus of sust/andropen is that you wont blow up like you may on cyp or enan. I know that when i use Enanthate my face swells up and everyone can tell that Im on. with sust my face stays nice and pretty.