Opinion on possible counterfit Anavar


New member
Picked some of these up from a buddy. I was told they are 50mg Anavar, however from the research I did online I cannot see a picture of anything legit that looks like this. It is a small peach/Orange color pillwith an X/S on both sides. Any help appreciated. Pic attached.
I will let the pros answer, but how much did you pay for them and how many tablets did you get? That can be one indication if they are legit because I constantly read how expensive real anavar is. If you got them at a 'deal' then that is one indicator that they may not be what they seem...
looks like sterox lab

Authentic product

look at the authetication on the pill looks pretty much teh same.. but they are probably 10mg at best not 50mg

there good to go

i've had their winstrols. .their blue and g2g
I note the difference that one says SL and the other SX, and one has the divider between the letters and the other on the opposite side.
Brother...u can expect real var will cost around $***** for 100/10mg tabs. Being that theyre so commonly faked, aling with the fact, these were given to you without packaging, Id be surprised if they were real. I wouldnt touchem!
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Thanks for the help. I have been doing some looking online and they may be fro a lab called Sciroxx. I saw a post from a couple years ago and he got the same stuff and said it was legit. Still looking.
I just ordered this product and then read about here that they were bunking their gear, so i have also order a test kit from Labmax.com / I will post pictures to confirm if this is legit.