I have saw your PM , the number which you give for 250 mg test per week seem to be in normal range.
Maybe the other lab which you compare put too much raw material inside to increase reputation among people BUT
thats not a good thing i must say, Cycling is about calculation , in your situation 250 mg or 350 mg doesnt create too much difference as side effects but
Think about what if some guy will make a strong cycle and will want to put 5 ml per week. He will receive accidently somewhere close to 2000 mg of Test instead of 1250.
That can change too much , like too much water and fat retention and maybe this guy is getting ready for competition ...
Or maybe he does 1250 mg test cycles all the time and he knows which AI he need to use for this, if he will come accross to overdosed product, he can get gyno...
Anyway i think i made my point , but like i say , if you need anything PM me