Oral porn...you know you want to look now. ;)


New member
I found myself being a little stupid and not keeping track of some of my needed (maybe desired is the better word) ancillaries and I ran out! So I ordered a bunch and will take more care from here on out.


I had not run out of Aromasin...but it is smart to always have twice as much as you need on hand just in case. I can also verify that running HGH for many months will cause you great fatigue if you do not supplement with T4. I ran out of it and a few days later I was tired all the time. Since I already read about the fatigue and started using T4 before it hit, I had never actually experienced it. It sucks, so do yourself a favor and have plenty on hand if you use HGH. Not sure if MK677 needs it or not, though.

Sorry for it being slightly blurry, I just could not get a clean picture taken.
I almost deleted this when I read title but saw it was u...lol

Nice stash. I love Proviron what with it s mild anti e properties and libido enhancing properties. If I were still doing high dose or even mids I d be on it but last thing I need are more erections with my current status of Head of the local chapter of the---
He man women haters club.

Add to it my tendonitius and my left elbow wil never heal w self service or drlling holes in our local Mossy Oaks..

Newb s pay attention...back stockings the way to do aas.
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does anyone recommend taking proviron to lower SHBG and increase libido ?? if so, at what dosage? i have high SHBG and low free test.

and should i take it with andriol ?
does anyone recommend taking proviron to lower SHBG and increase libido ?? if so, at what dosage? i have high SHBG and low free test.

and should i take it with andriol ?

Proviron is an AAS, so yes - you need a testosterone base with it. However, if you have low testosterone, I recommend you seek other avenues.
Lol I've been thinking about steroids way to much when I read the thread I didn't even get the sexual refrence I just thought about winstrol hahaha.
My liver will not let me play with powerful orals...decades of insanely heavy drinking means I hover around the top of the normal range even when on a clean 3J diet...

I found myself being a little stupid and not keeping track of some of my needed (maybe desired is the better word) ancillaries and I ran out! So I ordered a bunch and will take more care from here on out.


Sorry for it being slightly blurry, I just could not get a clean picture taken.

I thought they were condoms :dunno: