orals question...


New member
i dont understand...
my injectable steroids conversions, works nice..
but the orals, dont work nice!!!!
maybe i dont know any procces????
im absolutely sure im doing everything ok, but...
maybe the powders are bad?
i'll tried to buy at least 10 chinese labs, any very big and importants, and every powders look like the others(sorry my english is stupid)without diferences......
im really dont understand, the inj, works , orals no!!!
You're gonna have to post up what you're trying to make, at what mg/ml your trying to make it at, and what you're mixing together for us to be able to tell you whats goin on.
A-10 said:
You're gonna have to post up what you're trying to make, at what mg/ml your trying to make it at, and what you're mixing together for us to be able to tell you whats goin on.
sorry i dont had explained...
im not making liquid orals, y only put into empty capsules!!!! the powder directly!!
Where are you from thalsa doom, Maybe if some one in here speaks your language we can assist you better..........You can put powder into capsules no problem, thats what most orals are any way

take care
VooDooMan said:
Where are you from thalsa doom, Maybe if some one in here speaks your language we can assist you better..........You can put powder into capsules no problem, thats what most orals are any way

take care
yes voodooman, i know it, my problem is:
th injectables works perfect, but the orals no!!.....
i dont undesrtand....
my language is spanish, thanks