ordering from thailand

you want a reason not to buy from them. 99% of them are scams and you will never see the product you paid for.

the real problem is that most sites are scams and your just gonna throw your money away

Thanks guys, THAT is the information I was looking for. If most of those sites are scams, then that would be a valid reason not to order from them.

Why is it that on a web site such as this one that is completely about steroids, users cannot share their experiences with sites like this Thailand sites. In my very first post in this thread a moderator edited out the name of a site that I just happened to mention. Wouldn't it make sense that if some Thailand site is a scam that we should let people know? Wouldn't that be a positive thing for your community here?

I'm sure there is a good reason... just wondering what it is...?
Canada is very tight now. People are expressing there opinions. It would be different is if wasn't Thailand and it was a supplier that is well known. Canada has ha problems in the last few months due to the olympics.
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Nice Plan........but ordering from overseas is too big of a risk.
You probably won't get any trouble if the package is seized. The authorities are not interested in small petty posession charges.
You will NOT recieve a seizure letter because CAnada Cucstoms is aware of the fact that a copy of such letter usually results in a resend, which doubles their duties and paperwork.
Just go Domestic Dude.
There is a mailbox for an abandoned house nearby. I have sent 5 or 6 letters to "Mike Smith" (not my real fake name :) ) at that address over the last month or so to see if the mailman would deliver them, and they all went through with no problem. I asked the Thailand company what size package my one-bottle order would come in. The padded envelope it would come in easily fits the mail box, so I won't have to go to the post office to sign for anything. If I do get a notice saying I have to go sign for it, of course I will just forgo the gear and move on.

So that is my fool proof plan. Of course maybe they'll call in the DEA for a midnight stake out to take down me and my 10 cc of Deca, but I doubt it. I feel pretty confident.

So... what's this about losing my money? Is that a common problem with these Thailand vendors? If so, THAT is the kind of information I'm looking for in this thread.

lol @ this plan, im sorry but when you said you have this elaborate plan i figured it was something that you couldnt find on a cracker jack box.

good luck with this. btw with all of the domestic sources still after ord, why would you risk going over seas?
Yeah you got some good advice on this thread,its easier to go more local and btw in thailand they do have lots of counterfeits so even if u got a product it may not even be real
Dude you're plan sounds cool but the site is probably a scam. Not to mention what they're saying is true about packages coming into Canada from Thailand during the olympics. Lots of dudes who responded are Canadian.... Make some friends eh? Lol. Lot simpler that way...
Dude you're plan sounds cool but the site is probably a scam. Not to mention what they're saying is true about packages coming into Canada from Thailand during the olympics. Lots of dudes who responded are Canadian.... Make some friends eh? Lol. Lot simpler that way...

Yeah make some friends Eh! I'm a nice guy ;):beertoast
just about all the online sites that say they are based in thailand are bullshit!!! there all scams, every single 1!!! either go to thailand for hols and get gear or go local!
Not to hijack but I think this goes along with what the OP wants to know too...

What do you guys think about reputable (Ology) sources that ship some of there stuff from China? Does the problem come in with JUST the fact that its going through customs, or the fact that you dont know who is supposedly sending it (or not sending it?) If it is the latter then im assuming it would be safe to go overseas if you know the source?

I have a more specific reason for wanting to know the answer to this but it has nothing to do with the op or the subject so I will keep that to myself.
nothing wrong wih ordering international it's ordering from Thailand that's a bad idea.

Thailand is currently cracking down on pharmaceutical exports and scanning OUT going mail. I'm actually very surprised more customers of Thai sources in counries where AS are illegal arn't getting into trouble.
nothing wrong wih ordering international it's ordering from Thailand that's a bad idea.

The main reason I ask is after being on Ology for almost a year, The one thing I have been taught is domestic, domestic, domestic. Then I decided i was going to try buying powder and making my solution and it seems like ALL powder That I can find will come from China. After looking at other HomeBrew forums and everyone mentions getting their powder from China.

On that note, I dont want sources but if anyone knows that you can get powder domestically let me know. I just want to know if I should stop looking or not. Like I said, As of right now all i have herd of is shit from China. Im a pussy enough as it is ordering domestically. I will be shitting my britches waiting on stuff from over seas.
What if one is not technically ordering from overseas? Suppose that my foreign doctor is mailing me Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with a prescription via DHL. Is there a chance this package would be stopped here in USA?
question of my own. What are you looking to buy? I mean do you have any experience with gear? It doesnt seem like you do. What kinda cycle are you planning on doing if you can ever get a good source?